Member Since: 15/06/2004
Band Members: CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR A BASSIST(switching current bassist to 2nd guitar/keys...need an additional bassist). must be able to backflip while playing, added bonus if you can spit fire:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
....Jeff brophy:::making red-sauce from scratch, wiping crumbs off of eurotrash laps, and vocals
....Jaime furtado:::playing 26 instruments for fun, extreme poker face, and bass
....Matt doty:::karaokeing it up, sparking it up, and guitar
....Paul obrien:::herbie in the big house, wiping the asses of teenage cambodian kids, and drums.. ....
Influences: fugazi, thermals, shellac, jonathan richman and the modern lovers, wu-tang, immolation, pixies, stevie wonder, black flag, b-52s, murder city devils, infest, liars, sonic youth, mike patton, jesus lizard, sam cooke, dwarves, the boss, the cure, johnny thunders, the clash, jeru the damaja, nirvana, pig destroyer, melvins, morphine, unwound
Sounds Like: cousins, sisters, uncles, and nephews drinking zimas at a bris.
Record Label: memorex 80-minute CD-R / maxell 60-minute cassette