Member Since: 08/08/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Had a hard time - a friend sent me this message:Dominika Maria Bonk (die ihr Bruder Amalia nennen wollte) studierte Aufführungspraxis der Musik des Mittelalters und der Rennaissance.
Sie ist Mitglied des Ensembles L'Amoresca und MediaVita.Darrüberhinaus beschäftigt sie sich professionell mit dem Instrumentenbau und forscht über das frühe Abendländische Saiteninstrumentarium.Zur Zeit macht sie eine Ausbildung zur Lauten- und Gambenmacherin in Mailand / Italien***Dominika Maria Bonk (who was named by her brother Amalia) studied Medieval and Renaissance Music in Bale. She is part of the Ensemble L'Amoresca (Elisabeth Pawelke, Emanuele Forni, Titus Bellwald) and founder of the Ensemle Media Vita.
At the Moment she is becoming an Lute- and Violmaker in Milano/Italy.
Influences: Every day, every breath, every encounter and a slavian heart.
Beside that -musically: Kenneth Zuckerman, who is one of the greatest Sarodplayers nowadays, a pupil of Ali Akbar Khan. All I learned in the last three Years of modality is from him and I am extremely thankfull to what he has given to me as a teacher. I do have a feeling that just NOW these things start to really arrive in my body - i am now starting to learn from the things i learned.
Now I will make my first childish steps into the world of modality.
Maestro Kyriakos Gouventas
the sea
Sounds Like:
end of february 2009 with Aronne Dell'Oro in a romanic church in the area of Cinque Terre
Type of Label: Unsigned