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About Me

Im Luis ...I've played sports my whole life. I'm a pretty chill person. I like to go out and have a good time. I graduated from Palm Bay High in 04'...... I work in commercial and residental Real Estate.... I know.... kinda akward for a 21 year old but I enjoy it.Theres not much more to say so if you want to know more hit me up....lou .. Luismrtnz26 MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

My Girlfriend Jessie....Baseball, Football pretty much anything that has to do with sports. Im also really into business. Real estate and commercial development.

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I'd like to meet:

Just some chill people .Its fun to meet new people that you can have fun with.
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I go woth the flow anything really.MUSIC


Anything funny and intresting..not a fan of scary movies


ESPN, ESPN, ESPN lol and gotta love those reality TV shows.. Also DEAL OR NO DEAL...


Not a big reader.. But the Da Vinci Code was badass


Parents of course..Then probably my friends, All my friends have something about them that is admirable.