Victoria E.Duckworth would like to Welcome you to his. her and our Page!Project DuckWorth is an entirely original art concept. We will create a massive, impressive, professionally finished and polished piece of art consisting of 200 black and white photos, that will leave bidders and buyers breathless. The aim is to raise as much money as possible from selling this masterpiece - and all profits {however it is sold, be it on ebay or to an external buyer who may stumble across these pages} will go to Animal Abuse and Rescue Foundations of your or our choice: anywhere in the world!
What makes this project unique is that its participants - the "models" who make up the piece - are those of you who live purely in myspace. Project Duckworth needs you and your support to survive.Inspired by highly successful Against Animal Cruelty Campaigns and concepts, such as PETA'S "FUR IS DEAD" Initiative (and other variations on DON'T WEAR or SAY NO TO FUR), this is what we have in mind...
We are looking for between 200 and 400 photographs in a specific style: The subject matter will be tightly cropped waist-up photographs of people from all over the world - all cultures, creeds and colours - showcasing the diversity of everyday bodies captured el natural. Piercings, scars, birthmarks and tattoos would add immensely to the character styles. There is no focus on removing such individual and artistically varied marks; just the opposite - we welcome the diversity they would offer to the Project.Wearing only plastic animal masks {your identity will be kept confidential}, which are available from party and novelty stores worldwide, each person's self-taken shot must be posed against a white wall staring forward - mugshot type format - to keep the whole body of artwork easier to manage. So we want ORIGINAL masks, ORIGINAL poses, ORIGINAL props...But all in the STANDARD STYLE! This is very important for the overall balance and aesthetic appeal of the final piece of art. Nudity? All photograph Information can be read in the above Blog! {As We Bare Our Souls; Photographic Style & Creative Inspiration}The final artwork itself would be a wall length piece with 200 or more images. Every photo will be arranged and designed in Polaroid style with each individual's -1. First Name
2. Location
3. Country
This will strengthen its overall global impact and mysterious allure, uniting the world in one fun art piece for a good cause.
Submitted photographs will be shown on this page until numbers exceed the limit, when design and compilation of the best ones will begin. We are looking for about 200 images. For those of you who would like to submit photographs please add me, contact me, and message me ~ I would love to hear from you, be your friend, and work together with you to create a work of inspiration and beauty that can make a real, noticed, globally meteoric impact in the world! I will give you the forwarding email address for sending your photo, once you are ready to submit.WARNING! If you are under the age of 18, your photographs will not be used.Thanks for your Support! Please Help out and Repost this myspace link in one of your Bulletins.Vicky Duckworth looks forward to meeting you :) x
Thanxxx Victoria E. Duckworth All the Maxwell.A.Duckworth Design and profile pics were done by [stuart] check out more in his profile http://www.myspace.com/stereohive [ thanks stuart. lol! ]
Myspace layouts from Pyzam.com