Poetes a Paris - 1st International Festival profile picture

Poetes a Paris - 1st International Festival

About Me

The 1st INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF POETRY in PARIS put as part of the international decade of the promotion of Nonviolence and the Culture of Peace to the advantage of the children of the World decided by the UNESCO, offers an exceptional meeting of the poets of the 5 continents from September 19 till 23 2007.Very numerous demonstrations will welcome unknown or celebrated poets but especially commited, independent and free, during 5 crazy days.Put together by POETS IN PARIS, this festival will visit the historical or popular places of the capital and primarily in the 20th arrondissement of Paris notably the Les Couronnes library, Gâtines bookshop, room of Feasts of the Town hall for an event which will make its mark: the international showcase of poetry in any language, the Père Lachaise cemetery, and will stretch to the shared gardens, in the Cafe} de Flore, in St Germain auditorium, in the Palace of Luxembourg, in the House of Latin America to end in the theatre of Gymnasium.This anthology of meetings will give to listen to a language made up of words, voices, tones, styles, rhythms, through readings, conferences, works on the topic poetry the language of peace, shows, performances, rich of the diversity of the peoples.As a poet and life-breather of this festival, I stress the humanist role of the poet responsible for serving as a cultural link between men.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

This festival is for all publicsYouth:The choice made in our program to be interested in young talents, often bearing an artistic originality and unifi ers of a near public.Adults:This public, made up of multilingual expatriates, as well as of today’s or longstanding exiles of natives of the french-speaking world, will often meet during demonstrations of the program.Professionals:Their presence during all the periods of the program will give them opportunities to meet artists and poets of the stage and publishing or other partners for possible future collaboration.

My Blog

Congres des poetes du monde/Congreso de los poetas FR, SP Guy CREQUIE

Décennie d'une culture de la paix et de la non-violence au profit des enfants du mondeCONGRES DES POETES DU MONDE Séance au sein du Sénat de la République française Le 21 septembre 2007 de 9H à 13H ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:41:00 GMT

Congrès mondial des poètes sur la paix - JC Awono

Congrès mondial des poètes sur la paix - Senat de France, Palais du LuxembourgVendredi, le 21 Septembre 2007Intervention de Jean-Claude AwonoAvec mes trente huit ans, mes origines camerounaises,mes qu...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 02:38:00 GMT

First Day - First Impressions - International Festival of Poetry

Poets from all over the world were present to the first day of the festival. Diversity, meetings, languages, lectures and multicultural perception but communicating and exchaning on one commun cause: ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 16:40:00 GMT

Poets from all over the world in Paris 19-23 September 2007

Achilefu Ignatus Chibuzo NiGERIA Adde jean michel FRANCE Aharoni Ada ISRAEL AL Ghassani Anwar IRAK Al Razzaq Wafaa Abed IRAK Almeida bernardo BRESIL Ammar Ines FRANCE Amoutapa Alain Alfred FRANCE...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 02:26:00 GMT

1st Internation Poetry Festival : Poetry, the language of peace

It is time that poetry brings the man to peace It seems particularly important to us and urgent that in a context marked by all kinds of tensions on a worldwide scale, the poets which one knows enga...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 05:46:00 GMT