)brif you are…
i … a BAND and would like to be featured on our first or upcoming issues, kindly submit your :
- band profile
- band pictures and band logo
- picture of your EP or Album cover, if any
- contact info
- at least 2 original compositions (in mp3 format) along with the lyrics
(You must own the copyright of your songs)
ii … a Critic / Writer
- submit your buzz worthy music reviews or any article about music, a certain band, the “sceneâ€, the people that make up the “sceneâ€, etc.. etc..
- your works should either be in pure English or pure Filipino (no tag-lish please!)
- also include your contact info and ‘pen name’ or real name (it’s your choice)
iii … a Production
- simply send us your production logo, contact info and upcoming gig events. We would be glad to advertise your production in all our issues!
iv … an Artist or Cartoonist
- submit your drawings, cartoons, or any artsy creation good enough to appear in our mag (should of course, be of musical relevance)
v … a Photographer
- band pics, event pics, or any musical snapshots will be highly regarded
- also send in your name and contact details for future purposes.. You’ll never know, we might need your services in special events!
vi … and to Everyone else who has something to contribute in any form to make EKSENA Magazine a must-have and a must-read, feel free to do so! We promise to get back to you after reviewing submitted entries….
Hoping for your immediate and creative feedback!
EKSENANG Underground Team feedback!