Whaddup, i'm Samai (pronounced "Sum-i") Human Right #19 : Freedom of Expression Kurt Cobain didnt kill himself, it wasn't suicide, it was MURDER
AIM = xtipxurxhookerx
i'm 17. i wore my birthday suit on March 8th, 1990.
Im an artist. I draw, paint, sculpt, sew, and make my stuff.
im single.
i AM bisexual. take it or leave it.
Metro Station sang me happy birthday on March 23, 2007.
im not a vegetarian. but i AM a very healthy eater.
friends are family.
im strange.
im observant.
im quite a suprise package.
first impressions are a must for me. dont screw it up.
i love moshing and hxc dancing.
and waltzing. :] randomly do that, and i love you.
i hate poseurs.
i go to notre effing dame high school.
i have a huge vocabulary.
im scared of clowns, the dark, dolls, and big dogs.
i also have orgasmically soft and smooth skin.
i make bombs and do art for a living. eat your heart out.
i was baptized on valentines day of 07.
Who I'd Like to Meet:
Someone REAL. And the perfect boy or girl for me
My Interests
I am so far gone now, that I have been running on empty...
My Blog
[Got stalked by two guys at Barnes and Noble]
okay...heres my story...
[taken place on Sunday 9, 2005]
i was at Barnes and Noble right....and i was walking to the bathroom to fix my hair...lol...and i heard footsteps and breathing behind me... Posted by samai in wonderland. on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:13:00 PST