playing volleyball **badminton ***swimming ****surfing the net *****listening to my favorite songs ******going outdoors like malls and to my friends house
MY POSER IS GETTING INTO MY NERVES.She sent me a message telling that she's very sorry for what she's doing.Well then,i told her to stop,what did she do?aye?fvck bitch.*to you ashley (or whatever the heck in the world your name is),i have been nice to you,and you knew that.I was mean in my profiles and i admitted that,but i replied to you by saying il forgive you if you'll stop using my photos.DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I HAVE SAID?DIDN'T YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORD "STOP" MEAN?
*Oh,yourE jocking my shit.My profile my photos and everything,just to fool everybody?!AND TO TELL YOU SWEETIE,AINT YOU KNOW YOU ARE SO THICK-FACED TO CREATE such stories with your online buddies?*think about that.i won't be amazed if you have this one posted on your profile again.damn.
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i love the song*hero **the day you said goodnight ***stay ****nanghihinayang *****akap ******tell me where it hurts *******especially for you ********untitled *********the reason **********KLSP ***********lose your self ************cleaning out my closet *************thank you **************thanks to you-- -- Hilary Duff - Wake Up -- Music Video Codes by
IF ONLY BiG fish ClueLess The Incredibles meAn gurLz::13 goinG on 30::whiTe chix::sOrority boyz::my sassY girL::big fisH::cRazy/bEaUtifuL::conFessioNs of a TEEnaGe dRama quEen:swiTchinG goaLS::paRent tRaP::biG faT liaR::briNg it On::not aNotheR teeN moVie::saY It isNt sO::wHat a gUrL waNts
.. ciNdereLla sTorY..many more..the list will go on and on if il mention all..Ü..yes,imma movie freak..
pURPOse driven Life SisteRhood of the Travelling Pants Princess chicken sOup for the teenage soul magazines esp voguE,in style,etc..
muh family,my brothers and sizzies..mah kadas,muh bitches.. ^_^..MUH BABY..