Layout by CoolChaser
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Its not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is acually in the arena; whos face is marred by sweat and blood; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself with worthy causes; who at best, knows in the end of great triumph of high achievement, and who at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt
My name is Arron.
But you can call me TwitcH.
I live the P.L.U.R. life.
You can find me at
Im a So-Cal lifer.
I will never live in a different area.
I love it here
I love to party.
I love Raves.
I love giving/reciving lightshows.
I love making/trading Kandi.
I love the desert;
Trophy Trucks,
Dune Buggys,
Jeeps, etc.
Im a desert rat.
Im down for the krown.
I love the beach too.
I am a welder, i love to weld.
Its fun shit creating metal masterpieces.
I have my legits.
I love loud music.
Metal and Trance are my genres of choice.
Audio systems are a passion of mine.
I do play the guitar.
Im not great but ok.
I love MMA.
Nothing beats a good fight.
1 on 1.
Man to man.
Hand to hand.
I love my beautiful Kisha ♥
Too young but in love
and too selfish to our love.
I love the way we kiss
and the way we touch
so innocently in love.
No hate, no jealousy
just two of us in the darkness.
But shy of the moon
and stars staring at us
and the screaming insects whenever we kiss.
And nobody knows our love
only you and me.
And nobody knows how we kiss,
how and where we touch ...
only the walls could tell.
She is my everything.
She brings out the best in me.
And every moment not spent together
Is something i hate to think about.
I graduated in 07.
Im still trying to figure my life out.