I'm from a small town in Iowa. Living on a big base in California. I like the weather here, and the people that I do know are very nice... There are days, that I can't hardly stand... then I think about my wonderful love. I think of Drew, and how much he adds to my life, how happy I have been since I met him, and how I can't believe I found someone who fits me so well. I also think about my family and how much I care about them. I have so many good days now, but then... Then there are days, where all I can do is lay down on my floor and cry... those are the days I hate the most. Those are the days when I miss things. Like the days when I used to play cards. The days when I used to watch my family work on cars in the garage. That one christmas... when Jessica and I took hundreds of pictures and cut them perfectly to make a huge collage for Dave. We all cried so hard. That's probably the only reason I cry. Its just so hard to sit for that long, and watch somebody so good, so caring, and so loved... suffer so unjustly. Everything happens for a reason, but that doesn't mean I don't question it.THIS NEXT PART IS FOR JESSA:Non est facile virere.Vis tecum sit.Volo tu hic.Adversus mei adversi est meus amicus.Vive memor mortis: fugit hora.Mea culpa.Sub rosa.Dormire a die, vive a nocte.Ridens stulto puero.Uti tempus sapienter, por mox mors venit veloci ventus.Non volo ire ad scholam. Volo remanere domum et facire crustula tecum.Mors est tantum inceptum.
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