.:-»-(¯`v´¯)-»-I tHiNk I mIsS HiiM-»-(¯`v´ profile picture

.:-»-(¯`v´¯)-»-I tHiNk I mIsS HiiM-»-(¯`v´

U tRy 2 HeLp pEoPLe OuT bUt -N- thA eNd It EnDs Up HuRt-N- U

About Me

WAtS uP mY NaMe iiS CyNtHia. ii ToOk mY 1sT BrEaTh ON ApRiiL 17 1989... iM 18....I juSt GraDuAtED 4Rm WEstWoOd HiiGH THaNk gOd.. ii HaVe ThA bEsTEsT fRiiEnDS Ne 1 cOuLd aSk 4 B-cUz ThEre AlWaYz ThErE FoR ME..... MOViiNG ON... iiM FROM THA FORT. ii WaS bOrN -N- thA fOrT, rAiiSeD -N- OklAhOMa LoL(I KnOw tHaT's WeIrd) AND iiM FiiNnA DiiE -N- thA fOrT LMAO... iiM mExIcAn & PuErTo RiiCaN wAt A crAzY aSS MiiX bUt Im UnIqUe N WAT BiiTCHES!!! ... iiM NoT ThAT KiiND OF StUcK UP PeRsOn WhO B AcTiinG DiifFErEnT ARoUnD DiiFfEReNT PPL I Am waT ii aM tAkE iiT oR lEaVe It... ii AcT ThA SAmE aLL ThA TiMe -N- ii AiiNt PLaNiiN ON ChAnGiiN ThAT FOR NO 1... ii LOvE TO HaVe FuN LiiKe PaRtY, HaNg OuT wiiT mY FrIeNds & sUmTiiMes dRiiNk!!! ii LoVe 2 ShOp OnLii WhEn I b BIg BaLl-N- LoL.. ... ii AM VERY HyPeR wHeN iiM wIt My FRiiEnDS JuSt b-cUz THeY dOn'T gIvE a FuCk bUt ThErES TiiMeS WeN U NeED TO cALm DoWnN & ii kNO ExAcTLy WhEn ThAt TiiME iS. NoT LiKe OThER PPL N iiT AnNoYS ThA FuCk OuT OF mE LOL... ii ExPReSs mY FeELiinGs AlOt EsPeCiiAlLii WEN iiM DrUnK oR saD. BuT ii DoN't AlWaYz LeT EvErYoNE kNO WeN ThERe'S SoMeThiN WRONG WiiT mE. ii Am HaRD To UnDeRsTaNd AT TiiMeS BUt iiTS ALL GOOD. ii AM LiKe A rEaLLii GOoD FRiEnD UnLeSS U GeT On MA BaD SiDE ii CaN B ThA BiiGgEsT BiiTcH U WiiLL EvEr MeET. ii GoT nUttIn BuT hAtErs -N- mUh LiFe.. BuT iiT'S aLL gOoD cUz thEy OnLii MaKe U sTrOnGeR.... i gOt MaNy ImPoRtAnT pPL -N- mY LiFe bUt 2 R aT thA ToP oF tHa LiiSt.....--eLiZaBeTh MeDinAJeSuS nOyOLa(ChINo) PEACE OUTLayout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I like chill-n- with my friends, that includes Edward,Jenny, Faustino, Jose, Berd, Mayra, Erica, Eric, Chino, P-Nut, Salvador, James, Liza, Lester. and other ppls u know who u r.. To my friend tiffany i luv ya and miss ya.. I like to party and drink with my friends.. i got a kool personality i might look like a bitch but im kool kinda crazy but kool

My cuz gurl I really wouldn't know wat i would do without u I swear whenever u need me pick up that phone and call me i got ur back u need me to help u fight u know where i live.. I luv u gurl..


Sorry eddie but u r a soft jit.. Naw but thanx 4 bein there 4 me when i needed 2 talk 2 sum 1 bout all this crazy shit that goes on -n- our lives.Ur a kool ass person but remember I still can whoop u...Luv ya lots


Damn yo we had our up's and down's but we alwayz made it through them i don't know wat i would do without u im glad i got to meet u.. U really have became 1 of my bestest friends I got ur back no matter wat tha problem iz.. I would be really hurt if somethin happened to u I don't want 2 lose u as my friend.. I luv and care bout ur ass way to much.. Thanx 4 stick-n- around wit me


Damn homie I knew who u where but never thought about ever hangin out wit u but now that we hang out ur kool ass fuck thanx 4 gett-n- me out of trouble that time i was goin to get tha cops called on me.. I got ur back 2 no matta wat tha prpblem iz.. Watch out 4 chino 4 me pleez... I luv ur ass to..


Damn gurl who would ever think we would b hangin out again.. I'm glad that we r talk-n- again u r 1 crazy gurl but tyte ass fuck.. U make my dayz better when ur wit me cuz we just have so much fun. And i think ur tha only gurl that i would ever dance wit to but aslong as i got liquor or beer in my system lol.. Naw mayra keep it real though.. We -n- this through thick -n- thin ur my gurl mayra..


OMG LIZA..Wat would I do without u... ur tha onlii 1 that's alwayz been there 4 me and alwayz concerned about everything.. I really appreciate u 4 bein one of my bestest friends.. I ♥ u like a sister & whenever u need nething u know where 2 find me.. O hey i will never 4get bout tha shortz lol!!!


I'd like to meet:

Some kool ass people that aint fake but honestly its really hard 2 find some TRU friends.....And possibly on the journey 2 findin them kool ass people maybe I can find that MR.RIGHT... LoL.U never know what happens 4rm day 2 day...


I like rap and r&b, Spanish Rap, and Reggaeton.


my favorite movies are the day after tomorrow, empire, love dont cost a thing,


Tha hills, laguna beach, real world, fresh meat..


I hate to read


My "Mom"

My Blog

Im so Sore...

Damn i just got off of work and im so tired and sore.. i HATE working now when i 1st started workin i was so happy but now it sux......
Posted by .:ChAnG3 IZ c0m-N- s00n:.(H.B.I.C) on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 04:34:00 PST