Jesus Christ, my wife Kate, family and friends, le français, running (XC et T&F), salsa dancing, reading, golf, cooking, traveling, and playing any other sport or dancing any other dance.
Haile G, CS Lewis, my grandfathers, Ronald Takaki, Coluche, Abbé Pierre, Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, Leonardo De Vinci, Jerry Seinfeld
Hip-Hop, Trance, Blues, Classical, Reggeton, Salsa, Bachata, B-Boy, Classic Rock, Glam. Rock, Classical, Gospal, Rockabilly, Honkietonk, R&B, Blue Grass, Disco...I love it all baby!
Stand By Me, Major League, Life is Beautiful, Indiana Jones, La Haine, Endurance, The Natural, CaddieShack, Amelie, Disney's Robin Hood, Rize
Seinfeld, Simpsons, A-Team, Wonder Years, Malcolm in the Middle, M's, Seahawks, Sonics, any Track and Field.
Bible, Dictionnaire Français-Français, Life is so Good, The Alchamist, The Perfect Mile, L'Etranger, Comme je suis devenu stupid, A Different Mirroir, Me Talk Pretty One Day
Jesus Christ, MLK, Cal Ripkin Jr, Haile G, Steve Prefontaine, Abbé Pierre, Victor Hugo and of course my Mom.