I don't love you, i love Gerard Way profile picture

I don't love you, i love Gerard Way

About Me

So the site is called 'I dont love you, i love Gerard Way' and yeah it is kinda geared toward Gee BUT it's a my chemical romance site. i say that because when you go through the site and you get to know me a little better you will realise im actually a frankie girl!! truth be told i love MCR, i've seen them 5 times and never in my own country, i have tattoos dedicated to them, my closest friends are fellow MCR fans and Myspacers (you can find them in my top so you should add them) and i've met nearly all of them. So what i want to say is if you love My Chemical Romance than this site is for you..doesnt matter to me how you feel about wives and girlfriends, side projects or whatever..everyone has their own opinion which is to be respected and all are welcome here!! I say that because i am SO sick and tired of people bitching at other people on here for voicing an opinion.oh and one more thing...being an MCR fan is just that, it's being a fan of my chemical romance..so if you choose not to like lyn-z, jamia, alicia or anything else MCR is associated with then that does not make you less of a fan...and please dont let anyone tell you otherwise:) i'm gonna tell you outright now...i met jamia and she wasn't particularly pleasant..maybe it was an off day idk but that's what happened. i havent met Lyn-z she may be lovely, i dont know that either but personally i don't like the way she comes across and i don't like her 'band'. I saw Watchmen, i'm not a comic book fan so i didn't find this movie that great but i figure if i watch it again i may enjoy it more. i think frank looks different now, he's not dressing the same and that makes me a little sad BUT it doesnt change how i feel about him because having met him several times i happen to know he's a lovely person. So ya see i can be negative about things about MCR but that doesn't mean i'm any less of a fan just means i form my own opinions. So feel free to form yours too!!thanks to chelsea (better than chocolate)..so yeah my name's kate, i love MCR, i hope one day to marry frank iero (yes i realise he's married). umm i enjoy following mcr and leathermouth on tour, getting tattoos and hanging out with cozie..thats pretty much me!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Gerard Way obviously... Frank Iero...AGAIN!!..yeah im greedy anyone who's a fan of the skeleton jammies... and just MCR fans in general!

My Blog

My Chemical Moments

This blog is a chance for you to share your fondest My Chemical Romance stories.  I don't mean the stories about how you met the band, i mean the moments you shared with your friends or the times you'...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 09:54:00 GMT

Are you chemically obsessed?

Are you truly obsessed with My Chemical Romance?? Here are the symptoms, if you are experiencing more than 20 of these i would say that there is no hope for you!You know you're chemically obsessed whe...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 14:14:00 GMT

My Chemical bandmates

Full name: Raymond Manuel Toro-Ortiz Born: July 15th 1977 in Kearny, New Jersey Role in band: Lead guitar Single/taken: Taken :( Best feature: his afro!! Height: 6'1" Smokes: No Ray Quotes.. "It's a...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 16:54:00 GMT

my chemical creations

Well as you may or may not be aware WMG decided to declare war on youtube which resulted in videos that use songs by their artists without permission being taken down...including mine! so until i find...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 13:32:00 GMT

Gerards hair

Okay so as we already established and as any Gerard Way fan already knows Gee is afraid of needles...So he expresses himself through the medium of hairdye and scissors!  It's time to look at Gerard's ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 15:56:00 GMT

meeting frank iero

Okay so i've met Frank a number of times now and i wanted to log it on here because the majority of them have been funny encounters..So if you felt like your nerves got the better of you when you met ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 15:53:00 GMT

My Chemical Romance and me

This is not what you think! i don't want you to post true life stories here of how you actually met the band coz lets face it..it was the most AMAZING time in YOUR life but fans who havent met them ju...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:44:00 GMT

my chemical scenarios

Here's another fun one for ya..im gonna write down a few scenarios and i want you to say what u would do in that situation..now u dont have to answer all of them if you dont want too, just as many as ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 17:41:00 GMT


experience this...the Geegasm...hell yeah.....please feel free to comment so i don't feel like i'm the only person on the planet with a depraved and dirty mind! (except chelsea from better than chocol...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 16:52:00 GMT


s4s if you please?? for both me and my sister site 'Better Than Chocolate' dedicated to the beautiful Frank Iero.  i'll be happy to return the favour of course:)         ...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 15:39:00 GMT