to live would be an awfully big adventure profile picture

to live would be an awfully big adventure

What would you do - if I'd cut off one of my fingers - and send it to you?

About Me

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hi. i look down at my hands, and the skin there has gone all raw, like that of a very old man. if somebody would like to know me, he'd rather talk to my hands than to my face. but i like eyes. i cut yours out of paper one night when i was unable to sleep and put them on my wall. they are still here, watching me as i dream, gazing upon my peacefully resting face. this is the time when things come to me, suddenly sweep up to my consciousness, out of nowhere. i cage them and write them down, shooting photographs - click click click - until there is no more room available between them, no empty spaces. i did not like the hole your missing eye left in the paper, so i burned it. torching things always gave me pleasure, seeing how things are consumed by hot flames. there is a mark on my left arm that i do hide from people, friends, family, that those flames gave me one day. it's got the shape of an 8. i like my love to kiss me there, same goes for that spot on my neck, where somebody left a squid under my skin before i was born, long time ago. the squid lives inside of my body and changes the way i look and the way i think and the way i speak and the way i write, its arms still looking for food inside of my veins, but its body already dead, nothing there but the ghost, the idea of something like that. the ghost is afraid of loud noises, what is the reason for me to turn them up so loud, the best thing to make it go away is the sound of a guitar uttering gibberish in universal pain. irony that this dispels my pain in return. probably this is why i put your eye on my wall, although it soon might belong into my wallet or my basement. is that a nice place for you to stay? yes? my basement? yes? do you like that? yes? my basment? yes? under the ground? yes? my basement? yes? under the earth? yes? where the small things live? yes? where the raindrops go after their trip all across the nightsky? no? i fear for you, we creep together now, you and i. when i was a little boy, we found a little baby bird on our balcony one day. i called him "chiep", because that was the sound he made all the time. "chiep chiep chiep". he did not have any feathers, so we fed him. when i woke up one morning, he was gone, laying on his back, leaving behind only flat skin on the ground of his cage. i did not understand then, and i surely do not now, probably this is the reason why i am making up all those stories about people living under a night sky, or under a steel sky or under a rotten sky or way below the floor. there is a place i go to in my sleep, that is across the street of the apartment i used to live in as a child. there was this fence, a round, steel fence, nobody could reach through, but possibly climb over if that person was big and brave enough, and there is a hole in the ground behind it, reaching approx. 2 meters down below the street. i often go down there in my restless dreams, climbing over that fence and jumping down into that hole, and go on a wandering trip, but every time i go down there, i wake up again, the only thing i find looking across my room in panic is your eye, that i cut out of paper and put up on my wall, gazing upon me, looking at me. it never blinks. it never looks away. always open.
SPECIAL POWERS: - smearing fake blood into enemy faces!!
Darauf mein Wort
denn es ist mehr als bloß ein Klang,
den irgendein Depp sonst sang wie ein Geräusch,
das nur sich selbst nennt.
Und ich wär lieber bei Dir
langsam fang ich an mich zu vergessen
und Mathias Reim weiß wer ich bin
Dein Kissen umarmt Dich und ich schau Dir zu
was Du im Traum wohl erlebst,
und ob du über oder unter der grünen Wolke schwebst?
Nur so kann ich Dich berührn
schreib über Dein Haar
laß Sturm und Nacht sich nur gegen Dich verschwörn
ich bin da
wieder mal zu lange, weil jetzt wachst Du auf
vertreibst Deinen Schlaf aus den Augen
Wie Dich wonach fragen, wenn ich nicht mal weiß,
wie Herzschlag im Magen in Wirklichkeit heißt?
Und wenn ich..s wüßte, könntest Du immer noch sagen,
daß Dir das total nicht paßt

My Interests


glu d
to a room
in a skyscrapER
no st
the dust and flexs
too dangerous to v enture
out side nothin aliVe
nothin in th Microwave
isleep withthe screen on
noonec h anges the bed a ndth e war dr obe s ar e
i want to walk on dry land get out of this fucking room
a ir

Rnm64 48th fl oo r

a knokin in above argu ing shuFFling

label on pressd shirt
complimenntryyy dryyy clleeeeaaning


I'd like to meet:

Oh, Ill break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, its got to be this time,
Avenues all lined with trees,
Picture me and then you start watching,
Watching forever, forever,
Watching love grow, forever,
Letting me know, forever.

i woke up, in the middle of the night, i called out, i called your name, patiently, patiently, i called out, "why do i dream so often of his body when his body will decay his flesh will be fluorescent grey his flesh will be fluorescent grey!!"

And if i'm not mistaken
We can search from farm to farm
Dark farm houses against our eyes
Every night I must realize
Harness on the left nail
keeps withering... withering
Then higher above me
e e so o e e e so o o
Can't go by a man in this shirt
Can't go by a man in that shirt
Can't go by a man with brain grass
go by his long long eye gas
And I used to be a citizen
And I never felt the pressure
I knew nothing of the horses
Nothing of the thresher.

Drive to the forest in a japanese car
The smell of rubber on concrete tar
Hindsight done me no good
Standing naked in the back of the woods
The cassette played poptones
I can't forget the impression you made
You left a hole in the back of my head
I don't like hiding in this foliage and peat
It's wet and I'm losing my body heat
The cassette played poptones

Les Acteurs:
I have No friends.


The Dormouse

The Mad Hatter

The March Hare

The Dodo

The White Rabbit

The Cheshire Cat

The Gryphon

The Mock Turtle



The Blue Caterpillar

The Queen of Hearts

Bill the Lizard

The Mouse

The Duchess

View All of My Friends



Eat Me.



Drink Me.



Watch Me.

She said she wished to die in terror
Screaming in the night
To feel the crawling flesh of panic
As her hair turned white

She also had a pretty little
See-through negligee
I often wonder where she went
And if she got her way


Follow Me.

"Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human fat and God was not there. The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever and we are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do; Devise reason later. Born from Oblivion, bear children, hell-bound as ourselves, go into Oblivion. There is nothing else. Existence is random; has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it too long; no meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not Fate that butchers them or Destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It's us. Only us."
- Watchmen.


Touch Me! Touch Me! Touch Me!


My Blog


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Posted by to live would be an awfully big adventure on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:32:00 PST


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Posted by to live would be an awfully big adventure on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 11:44:00 PST


"There is something about those eyes - if you take a look back to the very first time you fell in love, or you met your actual father or mother, the very first time you had to confront your future bos...
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Posted by to live would be an awfully big adventure on Tue, 16 May 2006 02:15:00 PST

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Hello, Yesterday, our beloved dog "Aramis", a Golden Retriever, passed away at the age of 13. His death marks quite a change in my life. As long as I can remember, he was there, a member of our ...
Posted by to live would be an awfully big adventure on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 06:06:00 PST

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Good morning, SO, I finally made my way back to the Blog to do what I can do best... Complain. The german music critics are pretty much running amok because of the new Babyshmables CD, liftin...
Posted by to live would be an awfully big adventure on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 07:36:00 PST

Are you EMO? Then THIS should interrest you: OMFG!!! Absolutely brilliant, funny, hillarious!!! Check it out if you have spare time... A LOT OF IT!!! Coolest thing I saw in a long time... (watch out for eye-cancer though...
Posted by to live would be an awfully big adventure on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 09:22:00 PST