Name: Amp
Stripper Name: The Portuguese Pimp
Porn Star Name: Ampsup N. U.
Birthday: 07-25
Age: 99
Astrological Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Sacto
Height: 5-8
Current Hair Color: shaved
Natural Hair Color: drk brwn
Eye Color: hazel
Best Physical Quality: Can't get enough
Personality Traits: control phreek!, funny, outgoing and crazy as a phreek on a phriday with a phrenik cd!
Location: Sacto going for world domination
Previous Locations: west coast, southern carribian, hawaii, Sacto, Citrus Heights, Jamaica
Brothers & Sisters: 1 real brother, and 3 step sisters
Pets: alway have at least 2 dogs!!
Dating Preference: huh
Physical Turn Ons: physical in shape athletic
Personality Turn Ons: independant, upbeat, and uninhibited
Number of Times I've Been "In Love": twice, and now a 3rd I'm absolutey head over hills for my daughter!!
Number of People I Love: immediate family and very, very few others.
What I Hate Most: ignorant, arrogant, useless people
Favorite Food: sushi!!!!!
Favorite Alcoholic Beverage: rum & coke, beer
Favorite Shot: carbomb (guiness, shot of baileys, shot of whisky) all in one and pounded.
Favorite Prescription Drug: opiates by far!! Thay cure anything!! They are like duct tape
Favorite Thing To Shop For: guitars
The Gym I Work Out At: 24 hr cause its a block from my house, but I prefer cal. fam fitness!!
My Conclusion On My Overall Lifestyle: Playing live ROCK N ROLL for the masses!!! Teaching my daughter the gift of music!
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