Harmony, empathy, simplicity, melodic frequencies, and human eccentricities.It could be said that there is only one thing I find truly intersting; L I F E - beauty is in the journey as well as the destination.
good people... so far so good!
Whatever blows your hair back I can dig.... but when I'm at home I like my hip-hop bumpin' - and my house good and deep
Those who shaped my life; Mom and Dad, my Brother, my Gram and Grandparents, and all the cousins by blood and by marriage. Those who shaped us all; The Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Lao Tzu, Sun Tsu, Plato, Homer, Virgil, Aristotle, Julius and Augustus Caesar, Jesus, Da Vinci, Galileo, Burnini, Shakespeare, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Franklin, Edison, Lincoln, Thoreau and Emmerson, both Johnson's, both Kennedy's, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Chomsky, and Dr. Stephen Andrews whom I hope will shape your life as much as he has mine... (Warning: List is by no means comprehensive. Stay posted for future additions...)