I love going out with my friends, or sitting around with them, listening to music and having a few drinks.
I love music, whether I'm on stage playing to about 150 people or whether I'm in my room jamming on my own. It's what I want to do with my life.
I love being around my amazing girlfriend. She's the most amazing person you will ever meet.
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Star Wars(original trilogy)
The Goonies
Underworld 1 + 2
Indiana Jones Trilogy
The Bourne Trilogy
MSTK3: The Movie
Family Guy
In no particular order:
Adam - Best friend since god knows when. He's always been there for me and I can't thank him enough. and hes a fucking good laugh.
Chris - I've known him less than the rest of my crew, but he's been an amazing friend, hes a great person.
Ben - Funniest man alive, honest to god, you'll piss yourself. Angry drunk, but I won't hold that against him haha.
Sam - He's one of the nicest guys ever, and hes so funny, just because he's such an idiot! :D
Asher - Has the funniest laugh ever haha. We have good times, thats all that needs to be said! Also that he's always there when i need him. He's my little brother, i swear.
Kierran - Possibly the friendliest man you'll ever meet, and he's really tall too. He's so nice, honest, such a good friend to have.
Ash - Met him at Taking back Sunday last year in may. Since hes been a really great friend, might as well be my big brother.
Zoe - Because she made me...and shes fun, and a really good friend to have.
Nat - Because she made me. Also shes such a good friend, listens to me, and is an all round beastie!
Sam H - Sorely missed by all those who knew him. I grew up with him, and shared some of the greatest childhood times with him. i just wish that I could have shared my adult times with him too. R.I.P Sam.
Kela - Even though I've never met her she's helped me through a lot. Hopefully we'll get to hang out one day, it's long overdue.
Rosie - Love of my life. Honestly. This girl saved my life and I intend on spending forever making it up to her. I love you.
All the names I just mentioned are of the people whom I love and spend my best times with. You guys are amazing. Thanks for everything. xx