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About Me

Lies mein Interview weiter unten und frag mich, was Du sonst noch wissen willst...
Read my interwiew down here and ask, what else you want to know...
Lea mi Interview mas abajo y preguntame, que mas quieras saber...
Leggi il mio interview piú sotto e chiedimi, che altro vuoi sapere...
Meine Hobbys sind: - My hobbys are: - me gusta: - I miei hobbys sono:

Fotografie - fotografing - hacer fotos - fotografia

Meine Tiere - my animals - mis animales - i miei animaliMalen - painting - pintura - pittura
Italien - Italy - Italia..
Peru ..
..Was mache ich sonst noch?
Natürlich sind da noch meine beiden wunderbaren Söhne, die meinem Leben Sinn geben, aber es gibt noch mehr: Schreiben (Gedichte, Prosa und Sachbuch über Pferde), Lesen, Internet, Basteln und Nähen, Kochen, Sprachen und Kulturen(aktuell Lakhota, castellano und italienisch) und die Ausbildung, Erziehung und Korrektur von Pferden: natural horsemanship, Bodenarbeit, Gymnastizierung,...
What am I doing beside these things?
First there are my loved sons. And I love writing, books, poesy and a informative book (about riding and educating horses)but these are not yet published. I read very much, fantasy, historical, ..., Internet, learn so many things I can...
I like to decorate my house, make clothes or things for my horse, I like cooking, I'm very interested in languages (aktually I'm learning spanish (since 11 years), english(since scool), italian (since 3 years)and Lakota recently).
beside this all I spend much time with horses, my own, and others, I work as an horse-educater with so much enthusiasm...
Con que mas estoy pasando mi tiempo?
Por primero estan mis hijitos adorados, naturalmente...aparte de esto estoy escribiendo libros (poemas, para ninos y un libro sobre la educacion y coreccion de cavallos) yo leo mucho, decoro mi casa, amo cocinar, inventar o experimentar siempre nuevas comidas, cozo ropa o cosas para mi cavallo, y me encanta aprender nuevas idiomas como el castellano, el italiano, el inglese y - nuevo - Lakota.
El resto de mi tiempo paso con mi cavallo y mi trabajo-hobby: educar o corijir cavallos problematicos.
E che faccio di altro?
Per primo ci sono i miei figlii, che sono tutta vita mia.
E poi mi piace scribere, faccio poesia, ne ho scritto due libri per giovani ed uno sopra l'educazione e corezzione di cavalli. Poi leggo tanto, decoro casa mia, amo cucinare sempre nuovi pasti, faccio vestiti o cose per il mio cavallo. Per ultimo mi incanta imparare altre lingue: castellano, italiano, inglese e - nuovo - Lakota.
Ed il resto del mio tempo ci sto dando classe di educazione per cavalli ai cavalli stessi opure ai loro patroni...
Neue Freunde sind immer willkommen. Frag einfach nach...
Sie sollten aber
-nicht trinken, nicht rauchen, keine anderen Drogen nehmen,
-keine sexuellen Abartigkeiten haben,
-Aggressivität und Kriminalität ablehnen und
-einen fröhlichen und offenen Charakter haben.
New friends are always wellcome, just ask for an add...
But you should
-not drink, not smoke and not consume drugs
-not have sexual abnormals
-refuse aggressivity and crime and
-have an open and happy character.
Nuevos amigos son siempre bienvenidos, contacta me por favor...
Pero tu dobrias
-no chupar, fumar o tomar drogas
-no ser sexualmente abnormal
-negar a la aggressividad i a la criminalidad
-tener un caracter abierto y alegre.
Tutti nuovi amici ci sono sempre benvenuti, perfavore contattame...
Ma dovresti
-non bere alcool, non fumare, non prendere altre droge
-non essere sexual abnorme
-negare aggressivita e criminalita
-habere uno carattere aperto ed allegro.
.. Some more things about me:
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 175 cm
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Handed but I am good with the left hand, too
Your Heritage: Mixed Sudete and other
The Shoes You Wore Today: Sneakers
Character: Spontan, fearless and open to all things
Your Weakness: This I dont public here... lol
Your Fears: To loose Someone I love
Your Perfect Pizza: Much cheese, ...
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Have good results in my new work and earn a lot of money...
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: What weather will be today? Sun? It's time to get up. Rain? Keep on sleeping...
Your Best Physical Feature: My smile?
Your Bedtime: When im tired
Your Mealtimes: When Im hungry or my children wants to eat
Your Most Missed Memory: When I was happy without worries about money...
Pepsi or Coke: Water
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither. Thats Plastic... lol
Single or Group Dates: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate, (but not Milk-chocolate) or real vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: Both, but without coffein and with a lots of sugar
Do you ...
...want to get Married: Was married 11 years, never more!
...want Children? I have two perfect sons and would like to have more...
...belive in Yourself: YES!
...get Motion Sickness: I dont think so. But this is typical, isn't it?
...think you are Attractive: Sometimes? In the Eyes of a loving one – yes.
...get along with your Parents: Yes with my dad, he is one of my idols. Don't have mom since I was little. Thunderstorms: LOVE IT!!!!! an Instrument: Learned Cello at school, and I am refreshing it the last time... I would like to refresh piano, too and learn some guitar and flute Soccer: No, Soccer in TV. But I liked to play it as a child (without rules)...
...Smoke: No, It does not make sense for me...
...Swear: Not in German, english or italian, but yes in spanish if I am angry.
...Sing: Yes, I like to sing, with the radio, my CD-Player, just for fun... singing liberates the soul...
...Shower Daily: Summer perhaps two or three times, winter much less
Are you a Health Freak: In a special and unusual way, yes...
What weather Do You Prefer? Hot(27-40°C), windy and dry or cold (-5°- -25°C), calm and dry. Stormy and dry. I like warm Summerrain and Thunderstorms.
In the past year have you...
...Drank Alcohol: No, I HATE Alcohol!
...Smoked: No
...been on Drugs: No
...gone on a Date: No
...eaten Sushi: yes, and I liked it a lot.
...been Dumped: Yes, there are a lots of people abusing my help and goodness, thinking I don't note... They are wrong...
...Stolen Anything: No
Have you Ever been... Love: yes, have been with my exhusband and will be forever with my sons.
...Drunk: Once and never more! Prision: Yes, twice. Visiting a friend.
...called a Tease: No
...Beaten up: Yes, as a child
What do you think about…
Love is a strength, not a weak. When your Love makes you weak, it’s just obsession. When it makes you strong, it’s true love.
Do not mix up love with sexual attraction. Sexual attraction exists between loving people and between not loving people. The important thing is, not to get weak, when there is no love but attraction, because than it causes only trouble and hurts someone.
Religion is the inner feeling of holyness, that everyones has in his heart from the beginning of his life. Also animals and even plants can feel it. There is nothing to discuss about, because everyone has his own, individual feelings… Do you discuss the right way to feel pain or happiness? No? So do not discuss the right feeling of spirituality...
Friendship is the sister of love. Only if you can love a friend without conditions, you can be a true friend…
Liberty is not, to be able to do all what you want to, but it is, not to have to do thinks you wont do.
Liberty is the most important thing of beeing.
Death is only bad for the remaning friends or familiars. It’s a part of circle of live. I want to be awake when I die.
How do you want to Die: In a dign way - after I made all things I have to do here.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Lucky and rich
What country would you most like to Visit: All places, where nature’s beauty is original...
Number of Tattoos: I love art...but not at my body
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Nothing...
In a Boyfriend...
Favourite Eye Color: dark
Favourite Hair Color: dark
Short or Long Hair: Length doesn't matter, but with full hair at the head, and without hair at the body and the face...
Height: 175 - 190cm, a little bit taller than me, not to much
Weight: slim, no bodybuilder, normal
Hahaha, I know, that physical aspect doesn’t matter for love… but its easier for both, beeing similars…
Required Hobbys: Riding on horseback, art, good photos, read, real nature...
Character: fearless, pacient, strong, spontan and openmindet, have to love nature - no looser...
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I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .

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My Blog

Love and the four elements

There are 4 elements in the world. Fire - Wind - Water - Stone.This simbolizes all things, all beeings, all emotions and allimaginable things on earth as one or more of them is the origin ofevery exis...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 08:13:00 GMT


Do you snore while you're sleeping?  yes when I have a cold. How many pillows do you use?  none How do you sleep?   depends on where I am sleeping. I can sleep totally unmoved whol...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 23:27:00 GMT

The mouse and the perfect cheese

Imagine a little mouse-girl... She lives in a nice house together with her mother and the rest of a big mouse family.The mice in this house have a very happy life. There is no cat, much food and its a...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 01:24:00 GMT

Slow Dance... Have you ever...?

This poem is not mine, but I think its so true and beautiful, that I will post it here to share it with outhers... It was written from a ill (cancer) girl.   SLOW DANCEHave you ever watched kidsO...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 22:40:00 GMT


WHY GOD CREATED CHILDREN (AND IN THE PROCESS GRANDCHILDREN) To those of us who have children in our lives, whether they are our own, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or students... here is something to...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 23:56:00 GMT

Seven Phylosophies for a good life - read the eight one!

I have an indian myspace-friend with good talent to teach things, I ever wanted to say, but I am not able to find those perfect words in english to express... Read the following seven Phylosophies... ...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 23:03:00 GMT

The worls easiest Quiz

WORLD'S EASIEST QUIZ (Passing requires 4 correct answers) 1) How long did the Hundred Years War last?2) Which country makes Panama hats?3) From which animal do we get catgut?4) In which month do Russi...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 08:35:00 GMT

Religionless Religion... Thanks J.

Read this text. Not I was the Author, but one of my myspace-friends. Thanks J. But these words are so true, so perfect, just like I feel, that I take them completely like they are into my blog. Imagin...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 08:35:00 GMT

Doppelgänger? Double?

Posted by on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 04:00:00 GMT

Glass of water...

Think of you as a glass of pure water in the sun:The glass is the body. The water is the soul, the divine part of you. The sun is god.And than there are colours, that's life, the influence of other pe...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 08:47:00 GMT