If you'd like to be a leader in the WGKG street team for your area, send the information below to our inbox
If your intrested in becoming a street team leader we have to be able to rely on you for 3 Major things
1-Keeping people up to date about WGKG and what they're doing
2-Adding as many people to the their street team
myspace as possible (especially in their respective state) in order to promote properly
3-Helping WGKG get tour dates in their respective state and making sure that everyone knows when they will be coming to their state to make sure each show is a success
Please put "Street Team Application" in the Subject of the email so that we can easily sort through the massive amounts of emails we receive. We really need to be able to rely on you guys to help out since the fans make the band The help is Completely Appreciated by WGKG <3 thanks alot guys
Full Name:
AIM Screen Name:
City, State you represent:
Venues you attend most often:
How often do you see shows?:
Do you use MySpace?:
Do you use Facebook?:
Do you use any other message boards or websites?:
Do you have any previous experience with a street team or promoting?:
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