I like reading a good book, writing, and day dreaming. I day dream a lot, I even started to write my own Zombi story, because I just kept day dreaming about them.
interesting individuals with something to say
I like a lot of different types of music, mostly rock of every kind; classic, hard, Lite, soft. Not too interested in rap or country although if I hear a sound or beat I will nod my head to it.
I LOVE ZOMBI movies, 28 Days, Night of the Living dead, Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil 1 and 2. They do scare the shit out of me but that’s the point right. I also like action, and movies with a twist; you know like the Game or Donnie Darko. I totally recommend Click, very good movie.
Medium, Survivor, CSI, SVU, House. I also like watching Judge Judy its so funny to watch her point out someone’s ignorance I love her un-candid honesty. “Stupid doesn’t get rewarded†lol
Fanticy, Mistary, Fiction, Sci-Fi, right now I'm reading books by David Baldacci
Good question. I guess that depends what day and circumstance. My mom's my hero for sticking with my dad for so long, Helen Keller's my hero because she was deaf and blind and she still had a good education and made something of her life. Jesus is my hero because he tried to teach love and forgiveness. My friend Lisa is my hero because she worked and went to school full time and was married and she was a success in everything.