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About Me

Unless im at school, sleeping, eating, or using the bathroom, im always playing video games or on the PC, I play online on my X-box all the time and I like to talk to my friends who also have x-box live. But when im on the computer im usally talking to my friends and playing music. I love music, video games, and food, pretty much sums up my life. But even though i hate school and it sucks im in the top 10 of my class i get all A's and some B's and math is hands down my best subject. I don't really do sports, because i don't really like physical activity, because im fat and lazy, but so i don't become a beached whale i usally play DDR like half a hour or so a night. But outside of video games and computer i do do some things, like i've been playing sax for 6 years and i have been on the barri sax for 4 of those years, and i started bass leasons last year.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Pretty much anyone in the bands I like, like Roger Waters, David Gilmore, Nick Mason, or Rich Wright from Pink Floyd, pretty much the best band ever. But Trent Razor from NIN would be cool to.