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Justice 4 Me and U

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Welcome to Justice 4 ME and U!
This page is for WOMEN and MEN who were sexually abused as children and/or children who are being abused now! The sad truth is this happens more than most people know. Not only to little girls, but also little boys! Neither should feel embarrassed, ashamed, or like they are at fault. However, in our minds, this can be so hard to do. This site is designed to help us, as survivors, unite and spread the word. If you have not received your JUSTICE, this is for you! If you are being abused now and need a real friend to talk to, this is for you! This is a way for us to make a difference! This is a way for people subjected to sexual child abuse to share their stories in an effort to prevent it from happening to others or help others who are going thru this. Who knows... we might be able to make a difference!!!!
Please take the time to read the brave...true... stories of each of the Survivors under the blog section... click "View all Blog Entries" to see them all.
Let me tell you some of "MY STORY"... I was abused by my adopted father throughout most of my childhood. My mother met this man when I was 6 months old and he later adopted me (gave me his last name). In my earliest memory of the abuse I am in diapers (I still can't believe I can remember that far back).
In one incident, (I was around 11 yrs old) I recall the power had gone out that night. Being the oldest of 5 girls (at that time) we of course had to share rooms. One of my sisters started crying for her daddy. I immediately became terrified, but part of me thought "maybe this time will be different". I never knew what I was going to get. Sometimes he would treat me like I was his daughter, like my other sisters. As a child, a little girl, I desperately wanted a real daddy. Especially, since I had never known my real father. I know it sounds crazy now, but things are different in a child’s mind. To continue, I quickly learned this time was not different. He crawled in bed so that my sister would not be scared in the dark room, something a "good daddy" would do. Then it started, I felt his hands sneaking down my small back and entering my under garment. I tried to pretend I was a sleep as I cried a cry that only I could hear. Then, I found my chance; he stopped for a brief second to comfort my sister who had started crying again. The room was pitch black from the power outage so I slivered out of the bed being as quiet as I could be, scared he would hear me. I crawled out of the room, careful not to hit anything or make any noise. Then I crawled down the hallway into the living room. My mind was racing quickly as I decided to squeeze my small body between the couch and the wall, thinking this would be a hiding place. I balled up as tight as I could holding my knees close to my chest, crying silently. I never stopped praying! The next morning I woke up curled up behind the couch. I had made it thru the night!
The sexual abuse didn't stop until I was about 13 and he and my mother separated. I was finally free..."so I thought". I quickly learned that this was something I would never be free of, but as a SURVIVOR, I would have to learn to live with it.

Once I became a teenager the flash backs got worse (It was like I was living it, again) and dealing with the memories became harder. My mother put me in counseling. The counselors told me that he probably picked me to do this to because I was not his blood child. All of my sisters still claim, to this day, that he has never touched them. At the age of about 15 we decided to press charges so this man could not do this to any other children. I felt this would give me the closure that I needed. I just wanted to know that he didn't get away with the things he had done to me.
At this stage in my life I could not speak about the actual events that took place during this abuse. I actually had to force myself to write it all down for my mother so that she would know the extent of my abuse. Then came the hard part, I had to tell the detectives all of the details of my abuse and of course they were men (a woman did set in on the interview). I had to speak of all the embarrassing things he had done to me. As a child at the age of 15, I was humiliated, "why should I have to go thru this?" I thought to myself. That was probably the hardest thing I have ever done to this day! At that point, I was told that I would have to go to another county close by because some of the abuse happened there and tell these things again! Then I would need to go to another state and county that more of the abuse happened in. So I went to the nearby county and bravely told all of the events that happened during my childhood abuse. Many months passed and I received a letter in the mail stating that they "the justice system" were not going to go any further with the case. I cried for DAYS! All of that trouble for someone to tell me they didn't believe me, that I was not worth the time in court. He doesn't even have to register as a sexual offender! I know some people take advantage of the justice system, but what about the children who don't. We are told we are not worth the trouble! I have decided not to go to the other state to press charges because I am scared of the rejection again.

Now as a mother of two girls, I deal with the torment everyday from flashbacks of my abuse to being so over protective and scared that something will happen to my girls! I am proud of who I am in every other aspect of my life, but this still holds a shadow over what my life could fully be. I have not gotten my "closure".
Therefore, I designed this page for others like me.
A chance to name your abuser! SO that at least you may feel like there name is out there for others to see and know what they have done
A place were people who were subjected to sexual child abuse can tell their stories and meet other people like them

Your story may help someone going thru it now
We, as SURVIVORS, need to take a stand!
WE deserve closer!
WE deserve a voice!
WE deserve JUSTICE!!!!
Just leave a message with your story or what ever you feel like talking about. I will post it in my blog under "your name"'s story. (See Above) Name Your ABUSER if you wish to!
In sending your message to be posted as a blog you agree that everything mentioned in your comment is true and without any false accusations toward the individual you may choose to name. You take full responsibility for your comment (as I do mine in the about me section). Anyone naming their abuser wishes NO physical harm to the individual mentioned.. This is merely to receive a little closure for those men and women who are affected by sexual child abuse.
REMEMBER... there are plenty of people with the same name in the world. Please, if you choose to list your abuser please just list their 1st initial and last name (like I do below). Or first name and last initial. You may also leave just the 1st name or just the last. Feel free to leave the state they lived in or the state the abuse took place in.
In putting your story in my blog section, it will be harder to trace back to you. Anyone thinking they may recognize an abusers name may contact me and i will contact the victim. No information will be given out without the victims permission.
Of course, I wish we could name first, middle, and last name, DOB, location and everything anyone would need to know, but the sad thing is...legally we would probably get in trouble. Isn't that crazy!!! They can take our childhood, our innocence, and we are the ones that have to tip toe around the justice system. I am doing this in the hopes that if one person sees my abusers name, that knows him, it may be able to make a difference!
My abuser is J.Hicks of South Carolina
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People who help me grow as a person

This is a hard one, but true

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My Blog

Lizzies Story

Im the mother of Lizzie, a beautiful, vivacious 5 year old.Not too long ago, she came to me to tell me her father had been molesting her. The stories she told me were horrific, absolutely nothing a ch...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 12:20:00 GMT

Michelle’s Story

It’s hard to know where to begin telling this crazy story that’s my life. So, how about the very beginning. My early childhood I was raised by my mother, who was a single mom. My father ha...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:48:00 GMT

Karina’s Story

  My name is Karina and I am 27 years old.  I was born in El Salvador... I had a perfectly happy family.  Two loving parents, one half brother, Juan born in 1974.  Brother Everardo...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 19:21:00 GMT

Tara’s Story

My daughter is five so I will put this in here for her. Recently she was a victim of sexual molestation by her step grandfather. Henry O. in Missouri .my daughter went to her 2 aunts in Florida to vis...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:48:00 GMT

Anonymous’s Story

I do not talk about my story that much and it is something that I have kept inside. I am afraid to talk about it. When I was about 6 years old I did not understand much and my uncle did things to me t...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 05:57:00 GMT

Calley’s Story

My story started when I was about 9. My brother wouldn't mind my father or my stepmother, so it was my job to watch him. Sadly, if I didn't "watch" him carefully, I would get beat. It was so bad at on...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 13:54:00 GMT

Crystal’s Story

I have been abused when I was a child however in this story it doesn't mention it but it mentions domestic violence:Good Morning, this whole time I have been talking about myself and my life. I am 33 ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 06:07:00 GMT

Tiffanys Story

Thank you for sharing your story and letting others share through you. I admire your strength and theirs as well. However, I am not yet that strong, and do not wish to have my story posted. ([Justice ...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:21:00 GMT

Tricks Used By Sexual Preditors (Spread the word)

The Apple Of My Eye TrickThe first trick is named after Laura Ahearn's new book coming soon "The Apple Of My Eye" This trick is top on her list for the most insidious of all tricks because predators u...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:10:00 GMT

Child Molester Statistics...are our children safe?

"The serial killer has the same personality characteristics as the sex offender against children"-Dr. Mace Knapp, Nevada State Prison Psychologist." "There are 400,000 registered sex offenders in the ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 13:33:00 GMT