Shalom!You can call me Tony,Lazarus,or Eleazer...really don't matter to me.Last time I was on myspace,I came wif a bold approach as a Hebrew Israelite.Oh I'm still an israelite by nation,and by blood,but strictly messianic...strictly.For it was said Yahweh thy Elohim(God) will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee,of thy brethen,like unto me:unto him shall ye hearken(listen obey)Deut.18:15.That Prophet is tha Messiah,Yashua,or Yahoshua,who most call Jesus.But dats a whole notha story for now,and a terrible mistranslation.Ain't been rappin much lately.this garbage they rappin nowadays is killin tha momentum.I ain't been fightin latley,juss been spendin most my days wif my wife and son.Speakin of my son Junior,HalleluYahweh!I am truly am grateful Father Yah!Still train,practice wing chun at home,but I haven't been to class inna while(waddup sifu).In tha meantime,if any one wants to sparr,or train,or practice what not hit me up.Juss gettin my prioritys in order what not.But latley its been all about sound doctrine...sound doctrine.I also attend the Spirit of Yahweh ministeries at 1:p.m. on saturdays at tha library off university in Jacksonville,Florida wit my bredren Josiah,and Chappelle.any,and evryone is invited to join us anytime.Other than nat,you know I'm juss chillin.
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