About Me
Basically I'm an open book, I live for today, not for tomorrow, some people say thats a bad thing, but they don't walk in my shoes •••I enjoy going to live shows, supporting the local scene, I like to write in my black & white school compostion book( for lyrics), write poerty that sometimes turns into lyrics, lately been fuckin' around w/ the acoustic guitar...to be honest took lesson in my teens, but for the love of cheese and crackers, don't remember jackshit on chords or notes ••• sometimes I write erotic short stories [thats my feminine side coming out, lol], also into traveling, meeting new friends along the way is nice ••• I'm trying to eat healthier, big into sushi, oreos are a weakness, also into trying things at least once, maybe twice ••• ever have a wasabi shake, spicy tuna flavored ice cream, what about sardines w/ mustard & peanut butters sandwichs... one of my favorite dishes is vegatable couscous, ohhh also poutine, a canadian thing ••• if you want to score some points, if you happen to know what the following things are... awabi, anago, tako & toro then lets make a date to enjoy 'em... ohhhh one simple thing about me, my favorite ice cream is plain vanilla, go figure •••totally into kissing and caressing ones soul, what about talkin' dirty, ever do it on rubber sheets w/ honey[paused have ya?] •••
Everyone has a story to tell, we all have at least one skelton in the closet I'm sure, fell free to ask me about anything •••Three things that I can't live without, water, pen and paper.
and rarely do I smile for photos, I dunno why......