About Me
From Memphis, though i pretty much lived on the road for a long time when i was riding in a bunch of rodeos with my traviling partners and best friends dubbed " THE DIRTY SOUTH CREW" by rodeo queen Rebeccha Passion. Played and sang after every rodeo for extra food, gas, beer money. I HATE POP COUNTRY. I AM PRETTY MUCH AN OUTLAW WANNABE I love to travel and i love the outdoors. worked on a horse farm for about 10 years. lived with six hippies for about two. LOVE MUSIC, its my life. i've been in a lot of bands and jammed with a couple of greats, in my book. My friends are my family.and my dog kicks ass. Love to party. spent the night in jail a few times. been shot and stabbed. been naked in places i shouldnt have been. Urinated in places i shouldnt have( please refer to spent a couple of nites in jail) All in all i figured out one thing about life. no matter how smart you are or open minded you are, or countless experiences youve been through, It has occurred to me that none of us know shit, We just think we do. so in a way i guess that means we know everything.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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a I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4