So i have been told i need to redo this so
here it goes.I am not really one of thosepeople who can really describe themselves, so i figure i tell what i think someone else would say about me.
So i am a sagittarius and that says alot about me.If you by chance don't know the traits sagittarius women carrry i will tell you a few.
Probably the one thing people most say about me is I SPEAK MY MIND.Which can as you probably know can be either a good or bad thing,which comes to my philosophy on ones perception of me i have always said"you can either love me or hate me ,but its all b/c of the same thing, me just being me"Kind of a take it or leave thing i don't really care.♥
I have enough true friends that if i don't meet anymore it would not hurt my feelings.:)
You know that saying most moms say when your younger "by the time you die you will be able to count your true friends on one hand" So true!!!! that quote will definately be passsed on to my children.
Sometimes it takes something really dramatic to find these few ♥
Which will bring me to my favorite story
So as most people already know i had cameron when i was 14 years old.And i thought i had alot of friends before i got pregnant.Now i don't talk to anyone from then oh well......
I think it is safe to say my bestest friend in the whole world is my son cameron.Not only that he is my hero.I did alot of stupid things b4 him but he was my angel GOSH I PRETTY MUCH LOVE HIM♥
Being only 14 years apart we kinda grew up together i did'nt know it then but as i was teaching him he was teaching me alot about life too.....
I have just recently been informed that cameron is like a super genius too... It's really cool out of 6,000 1st graders in va. beach that were tested only 125 were accepted my son was one of very few accepted to all day program at o.d.c. or as some know it old donation center for gifted and talented ♥ so the next 4 yrs. will probably be tough.....
My favorite cereal is Oh's:) I absolutly love peanut butter on anything toast,celery,apples,with jelly,with bananas it does not matter i just love it YUM !!!!! i have also recently become addicted to sunflower seeds i am not sure why i hate working that hard for that little tiny seed, but i really eat them till my fingers look like raisins ewwww!!!!!!
Enough of all that i worked for food lion for 4 years as a meat cutter/market manager. I loved it, i made good money and worked everyday ,i took alot of pride in what i did.Until i QUIT!!! wow know i see clearly i have since decided to be a stay at home mom,I have also realized that life is too short!! i never really knew how much i was missing at home i thought i was doing the right thing by WORKING,WORKING,WORKING for them now i look at it like, when i am dead and gone i won't take material things with me only memories will carry on, so that is what i am working on now ♥
One of the really cool things about my life is i have found true LOVE ♥ which is really hard these days i tell you.... but when you find that special someone who can make your heart beat fast and slow all at the same time,hold onto that, our 5 year anniversary is july 17,2006 and he can still walk into a room and give me butterflies. I ♥ my baby.. not to mention the fact that i am spoiled rotten i mean any guy who cuts up my steak for me is a definate keeper :):):):):) I MUST DO SOMETHING RIGHT LOL HEHE!!!!!!!
I have a really big family and most of them i could go without ever seeing again.Just about everywhere i go someone knows someone in my family,YES THAT IS HOW BIG IT REALLY IS.
So i just moved to norfolk temporary move thank god... i grew up in virginia beach i can take you anywhere in virginia beach, i should probably be a tour guide or something LOL. i hate,hate,hate everything about norfolk the streets the people and omg the first night here i saw a real life prostitute i was SHOCKED i thought they were only in movies boy was i wrong this chick was "WOrkIng tHe CorNER"!!!! i was really waiting for a pimp in a pink suit and a feather in his hat to come out of nowhere & smack her, Boy that would have been really weird.So anyway i can't wait to be back on my side soon.....
MICHAEL there is so much to say about him i could talk forever.You know it's really funny i am not sure if i am a bad mom or if most mom's feel the same way w/ their 2nd baby, but when i was pregnant all i could think is how could i ever love another human as much as i love cameron.....Well once he came out it was never a ????? now he is 2 and boy he keeps me very busy ,he is what they call "ALL BOY" everyone who meets him loves him.He really clicks well with guys,well it's really b/c he is the type every father hopes for he could fall off a 2 story building, get hit by a car, stubb his toe on the way up and would not cry...
He got 6 staples in his head about 4 months ago when the doctor finished he stood up and said "ALL DONE". LOL don't get the wrong idea he is my sunshine. i love getting up early to watch him sleep, then i guess he feels me so he opens his eyes and i say "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE" he smiles only revealing 1 little dimple close to his right eye...
i love how if he says any word that has the letter N in the end he licks his lips He has a "night night" it's so cute i call him linus sometimes...
when i met jenny she did not like kids actually she called mine "IT'S" and thought michael's real name as linus what a funny ending she is in love with michael now and is looking forward to having "A LITTLE MONKEY" of her own when she's 25 yea i can't wait it will be my cousin YEPP i introduced my friend to my UNCLE, i know what your probably thinking but my family is really close in age he should be more like my cousin... Nevertheless they are so happy and i am happy for them.. Oh & she broke the statistic "once you go black, you never go back" HAHA jenny " your a roxy sticker type girl now i♥u
I am a sucker for gourmet coffee i just don't know why i like to pay almost 5 dollars for a venti caramel macchiato i think b/c i swear by them to cure a hangover...nevertheless 5 dollars what am i thinking...
I love long island iced teas well any tea for that matter but thats my favorite,i love shots of jager :) cock blocks (only the drink) i always try and get my boys laid haha,margaritas are the shit if you get them from guadalajara's......
Tanning is my favorite part of the day i think it's b/c for 15 minutes i can lay down with nobody wanting it has to be so bright but i do fall asleep occasionally...
i love guys with earrings(well my guy anyway) i have 3 piercings 1 is in my tongue guess where the OTHER TWO ARE are. i really want to get a tattoo.. but i like change so if i get one and it does'nt match a outfit or i just get tired of looking at the same thing i am worried i will regret it maybe later on...i love the pain of something you really want.:) I do however love my boyfriends tattoo of my name ooohhh sexy i ♥ it it's on his arm.....
Since i was younger my mom always joked me for loving the novacaine shots from the dentist weird i know i just do.. i love the smell of citronella too not as much as bath & body but i do...
I don't know what else to say but if i think of anything i will most def put it in so you people can be nosey like me HAHAHA ♥
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