Alas, bümbüm are no longer with us dear friends... they folded in 2003, amid much speculation and intrigue. Consider this page a tribute to their lasting legacy... and for those unfortunate enough to miss the whole bümbüm experience, read an extract from their 2002 bio below, and feel the love...
bümbüm? Is it a brand of Swedish laxative? Is it some dodgy German porno flick? Is it the sound of Basil Brush breaking the sound barrier? No! It's a band of musicians setting out to infiltrate your senses, make you jump about mindlessly and bring about decisive change in the new world order... bümbüm consists of Pete on guitar and vocals, Rene on drums and Jo on the bass and vocals. Their sound has been described variously as pop with big bootz, something cross between the Pixies and the Muppets with a little bit of Tea Party thrown in, or even straying into the realms of pop art. Combine that with a penchant for fake fur, big hair, some interesting sound effects and a decidedly twisted approach to humour, and you have possibly the worlds most intriguing music sensation since Rolf Harris's discovery of the wobble board...