αℓεхχх→γεαн ; γоυя ĵεαℓоυs profile picture

αℓεхχх→γεαн ; γоυя ĵεαℓоυs

&& our hearts skipped a beat like a scratched CD.♥

About Me

Time to change things up a bit ;
i aint gonna be writin no book,
cause honestly .. you aint needa know shit bout me :]
but i'll tell you a few things.
The names ; Alexandra
people call me Alex,Allie or the newest LexXxi [spellcheck that shiii.] :]
You choose, whatever fits best.
Im gonna be seventeen here real soon, june12th to be exact.
Yeahh ; im singlee, but i aint interested in you :]
Im done being fucked with ; so you can 'spit ya game' to some other bitch :]
I <3 all the people i have in my life more than anything,
&& i would do whatever i can for them.
For the most part im a nice person, but i can be an ignorant bitch if you push my buttons.
Oh well ; dont like it..
fuck off :]
I am who i am..
Your opinion of me isnt needed ; so keep it to yourself.

My Interests

B E A U T I F U L girl with pretty eyes
A hidden heart of hurt && lies
She sits up in her bed at night && cries
It`s hard for her to realize
Love isn`t all weak in the knees && B U T T E R F L I E S.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone P.S. F.Y.I. Guys,you most likely wont get in my pants,
so dont bother trying. =]


You look so dumb right now
Standing outside my house
Trying to apologize
You’re so ugly when you cry
Please, just cut it out
Don’t tell me you’re sorry cuz you’re not
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
You really had me going
But now it’s time to go
Curtain’s finally closing
Very entertaining
But it’s over now
Go on and take a bow


Where to start with this kid..
I havent known him all that long, && to be honest, when i first met him i didnt think me && him were gonna be as good of friends as we are now, but now its like he's one of my closest friends, && one of the people i feel most comfortable talking to. Idk. I can talk to him about pretty much anything, && he just listens && gives me his opinion, even if its not what i want to hear. [which is good]
I dont know why everyone including himself thinks he's some big asshole, cause he's NOT. Seriously, he's one of the sweetest guys i've ever met in my life. Yeah, he has his moments, but so does everyone else, && his moments arent like horrible lol so its ok.
He can make me smile even if im pourin tears, && i love that about him..I cant stay mad at him at all, its gayy. like this morning, at 5:45 he texts me saying "Just wanted tuh piss u off cuz its early<3 love yuh" i tried so hard to be mad at him for wakin me up so early; but i just laughed && went back to sleep.lol, He has a 'unique' sense of humor, that always gets me.
I have these nicknames for him [which he really doesnt like]
CupCake;;DayDay;;&& DayDayCake lol, && instead of bitch when i call him one of those names, hes just likee. whateverr. lol =]
He's not like most guys, which is good; cause most guys these days suck. lol
He cant get any sexierr ;][CORRECTION* DAJON] lol
I could go on && on for days talking about this kid; but i'll leave that for some other day.
Pretty much; He's the coolest loser i know ;] && no one can even compare to him.
End of story
[I'll always have that 'GRADE K' thing for you && you always gonna be myy cupcakee :] lol]
My boo // My girlfriend.
This girl IS the best girl friend that i have; no question about that, shes amazing && gorgeous =]. Shes not just one of those girls that acts like your friend, but doesnt give a shit about you. I know she cares && she's always there to prove it, whenever im having a horrible day she's there to make me feel better.
Me && her are so much alike; like its scary && i think thats why were such good friends, && were going threw alot of the same things right now, so we understand one another alot better. idk its weird. lol
Shes not one of those girls who cause all this drama that doesnt need to be started; && thats good; cause i have enough drama in my life lol..
I know for a fact that she always has my back && i hope she knows i have hers to the fullest.. She has this way of making me smile even when i feel like crying. We text each other all the time arguing about who loves who most; Even though we both know I love her most, lol its funny && the smallest thing like that can make my shitty day a good day;
She's an amazing girl && i'd be lost without her.
What to say..
FIRST OF ALL; he was way cuter when i met him; lol jp. ahaha; i love that i can talk shit to him && he doesnt take it personally or take it to heart; cause he knows im kidding. lol
Onto the serious stuff;
Ive known this kid for almost two years exactly; && to think, i met someone who changed my life && is one of my best friends on myspace; lol. good shit. Yeah he managed to steal my heart from me, and we 'dated' for 4-6 months, but some fucked up shit happend that shouldnt of && we had to break up. We didnt talk for the longest time cause i was a fucked up bitch && he was a Dumb asshole but we eventually started talking again && now were best of friends.
Its like his goal to always make sure im okay; && that im smiling. I know that he hates seeing me upset, && i know he will always be there for me, && do whatever he can for me. He's always sayin "oh i dont love you" but i know he does, no need to hide it loser; lol.
We've been threw alot together, i mean ALOT && im glad, cause it has just made our friendship that much stronger. He has taught me alot about life && about myself.
Idk what i would do without him && its a good thing i'll never find out. =]
I gott madd lovee for you josee. =]
First of all, as of now were not on the best of terms with each other, but that doesnt stop me from caring about him. i love him to death no matter what.
We got ourselves in way over our heads ; kinda fucked up our friendshipp. but it takes two to tango, i dont regret anything that happend with him other than us not being as close now.
He could always make me smile, && laugh even if i was pissed at him. lol. He is the strangest kid ive ever met in my life, but thats why makes him joeyy. :] To be completely honest, he is the most amazing guy ever ; && just because he may have hurt me, my opinion isnt gonna change on that one, he is truely amazing. I have alot to thank him for, hes taught me alot ; i doubt he even realizes it but he has. && he gave me alot too, like my first kiss in the rain <[i>most amazing kiss of my lifee<3]. We say off the wall shit, that no body gets half the time,but it makes me laugh :] he has that effect on me. i really dont know what else to say about him, things change && people grow apart, i just hope that we get over this little obsticle crap && be good friends, i miss him to deathh && im sorry for everything that happend. iloveyoujoey. [&& i love your dimplesss lol.]
This is sha-bang-a-tangg :] Hes the sweetest guy alive ; no joke, ive never in my life heard him say one mean thing to anyone. I never expected him to be the person he is, when i first met him he was all shy && shii and now that i know him, thats the last thing he is, he is soo funny, he can always make me laugh,<[b>"here comes the train shane" lol.]. He is pretty much the best dancer alive, you'll just have to see for youself one day && you'll see what im talking about. :] He has like the prettiest smileee. i love it, its like contagious, when he smiles you cant help but do the same. Idk what i'd do without this kid, i wouldnt smile as much as i do. that would suckk nuts :] lol Loveee ya kiddoo!

My Blog

Its Hard. < / 3

its hard to let go of something you never had. its hard to feel sad when your soo fucking mad. its hard not talking to you everyday. its hard having our relationship change in every way. its hard thi...
Posted by ±µEÇE’³µ±= ; ³>ÅO 5µ±>Ås. on Thu, 22 May 2008 02:06:00 PST

iLl NeVeR bE yOuR nUmBeR oNe.

I dont have the prettiest face, or the smallest waiste. I dont have money to get my hair and nails done, and i know ill never be your number one. But i still find myself trying, and trust me, im not l...
Posted by ±µEÇE’³µ±= ; ³>ÅO 5µ±>Ås. on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:14:00 PST

BeSt FrIeNdS nEvEr LaSt.

This feeling i cant explain, all i can say is its alot of hurt && pain. I have these memories with me && you, && now are friendship is over && were threw. You...
Posted by ±µEÇE’³µ±= ; ³>ÅO 5µ±>Ås. on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:21:00 PST

R.I.P Jesus

Rip jesus. I have some of the best memories with you. You'll always have a place in my heart. You will always be missed and rememberd.   A poem to jesus from me:      &n...
Posted by ±µEÇE’³µ±= ; ³>ÅO 5µ±>Ås. on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 03:00:00 PST

I mIsS...

You keep poppin in and out of my life, youve even mentioned me being your wife. Its kinda twisted yes i know, but i miss you poppin in every once in a while, i miss you looking at me and seeing y...
Posted by ±µEÇE’³µ±= ; ³>ÅO 5µ±>Ås. on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:19:00 PST

R.I.P Josh

   Joshua Sam Kresser     Joshua Sam Kresser 1981 ~ 2006 Joshua Sam Kresser, 25, loving son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend to many, passed away peacef...
Posted by ±µEÇE’³µ±= ; ³>ÅO 5µ±>Ås. on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:34:00 PST