FOR ALL THEM HATERS KEEP HATING............... profile picture



About Me

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wats really gud my name is janisa yea everybody nows me by flaca or skinny im 19 about to be 20 on august 13 i have three sisters of course i have to be a twin her name is janixa b.k.a. fatty koo,my older sister is vanessa,and my little sister is angie...then theres the love of my life my 6 month old niece JANIYA LEE LAGOY....i live in holyoke mass up in the highlands wit my mom were i belong...then theres the other love of my life my mother brenda...then we got them haters dont wry sana i still luv ya i dont hate u lol....anyways ya sanas my bitch but i will never but friends first then family so {brandy} if u read this i want u to know that u will always be my cousin and i will always love u u will always be brandy our best friend our cuz nd our sister i luv u gurly ....{yea this is for my cuz Hope}baby gurl we miss u alot even though we nevr meet u or held u i hope that ur watching over our family R.I.P baby gurl luv u with all our hearts......thats for u haters hatin on my bitch SANA

My Interests

guys, shopping , music, dancing and my niece, and a blazin fat L

I'd like to meet:

a bangin ass nigga with some wat of brainsMyspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts


I like to listen to Reagge, R& B, spanish music


scarey movies, comedy, and anything that intrest u lol


BET, lifetime,USA


ha none


my mother