My Blog
Whats going on?
I have no clue whats going on with me. My nerves are on end and I feel like I am going to get sick. The people on MDC are so rude and I feel so out of place.... yet I cant seem to stay away. I dont fe...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 06:29:00 GMT
I have felt so crummy since Tuesday and have been trying to rest to get better. I slept for almost 11hrs last night, then took a 2hr nap today.... now I cant fall asleep!
I just listened to my brothe...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 04:33:00 GMT
Bank Robbery update
For any of you who didnt see it on the news.... All the hostages are ok. Nobody was hurt. The gunman died from a self inflicted gunshot wound.
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 18:58:00 GMT
Praise for a VICTORY!
So, I have had someone in prayer for a while now. I have prayed for victory over a "bad habit". I have been told that this person "will never stop". I come to you and ask that you Praise our Faithful ...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 07:14:00 GMT
What is GOD doing?
I have no clue what is going on with me. I am so weepy! Its not a hormonal, crazy girl thing either. I am just moved to tears and really hurt for others around me. I hurt for the lost.
Today was the ...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 07:04:00 GMT
My bank being held hostage!
My bank is being held hostage... I am not there, thank GOD!
Please pray for the people there. Pray that they are safe. I know those girls in there. I am so afraid for them. Pray that the robber goes t...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 14:37:00 GMT
Cranky Kid is Napping!
Right after my last blog, I got him up. He obviously wasnt going to go to sleep! Todd needed me to pick him up a pack of Newports and I also needed milk, so we went for a ride. Sometimes I think he ju...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:15:00 GMT
My Cranky Kid!
Today started as any other typical day. I got up with DH, watched the news and drank my coffee.... Then, Kendall, my 19month old, all boy toddler, woke up 45min ahead of schedule. Its been a rough day...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 14:14:00 GMT
DNC cause a civil war?
Ok, so 3 men and 1 woman were arrested. They had shot guns (or maybe it was a rifle?) and ammo and a flack jacket. They were picked up about 20miles from the Pepsi Center. They do not know yet how ser...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 13:33:00 GMT
Really bored
I know this is really random, but hey, its my blog.... I can write anything I want on here right?!?!
I am just really super bored. Todd has company, which is great. Pablo is really cool and we dont ge...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 19:24:00 GMT