Pixal Lust Productions Plus is a mix of artists ranging from. Photography, videography, graphic design, video editing, logo design, web design, flash, music production, tattoo design, illustration, custom art/ fine art, portraiture, screen printing, printing package,
business cards, brochures, menus, flyers, etc, Every artist involved is at the top of there game, with years of experience we can handle any job you throw at us...
Destrie Boyar A.K.A. DestroDamus is the owner, based in LA but originally from NY, is a photographer/ director, as well as an artist, he recently has come up with a screen printing project that he plans to release in September,it involves nude pictures that Destrie has taken from working in the Adult industry for the last five years, and turning those pictures into art pieces...
Pixal Lust has linked up with an artist and together they have created a clothing line, so far they have 8 designs, the designs are a mix of Destrie's photography and his Designer Maliki's free hand art work.. There goal is to reach roughly 20 designs by mid Oct.. The shirts will be available for men and woman... They also plan to create panties, jackets, sweatshirts, fitted hats, and fabricated items.... In do time.. Holla.
Pixal Lust also has music, all types of music!! And not only music, but good music, music that has been created by industry masters, very well known musicians.. The plan is Pixal Lust is gonna set up a music profile and put all the music so it will make it easier for you to choose...
Pixal Lust will also be providing HD music videos, as well as content for adult websites... Pixal Lust shoot's the best adult content, all shot with Sony HD camera's and all Nikon for stills, and uses Dyna Lite for strobe heads.... DestroDamus has alot of movies under his belt...
Any questions please contact us A.S.A.P.http://www.adultfilmdatabase.com/director.cfm?direct
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