A Fun Survey
Basic Questions
First Name:: Jackie
Middle Name:: Loraine
Age:: 19
Grade:: hmm im 19 u figure it out
Birthday:: Jan 30, 1987
Astrological sign:: Aquarius
School:: ---
Hair Color:: brown
Eye Color:: brown
Lucky Number:: 9
Height:: 5''
Shoe Size:: 6 to a 71/2 depends
Ring Size:: umm dunno
Color:: baby blue and navy blue
Sport:: baseball
Food:: italian of course
Actor:: umm if i had to choose jim carey
Actress:: dunno
Movie:: anything scary
Type of Music:: just about anything
Artist/ Band:: blink 182 ( when they were together)
Candy:: SNICKERS!!!!!
Song:: a good 1
Drink:: dr. pepper
TV Show:: friends
Store:: tillys
Magazine:: dunno..no fashion ones there so boring
Finish The Sentece
I love:: to eat
Lets go:: drink
Kiss me:: kiss me kiss me :)
Wanna play:: dunno just reminds me of chuckie
I just hate:: ur stinky feet
You're so:: vein
Why is:: ur face ugly...
Longest:: christy :) and krystal
Newest:: skip :)
Tallest:: haha josh
Sweetest:: kristie
Funniest:: elijah
Hottest:: hmm not tellin
Most Reliable:: u kow who u r
Best:: christy and krystal
Loud:: hehe christy and krystal
Quietest:: ha no one
Have You Ever
Shopped at Goodwill?:: nope
Shot a gun?:: hell yes
Went a week without taking a shower?:: unfortunately...
Jumped of a bridge?:: nope
Went skinny dipping?:: umm no
Ate a whole gallon of ice cream?:: if i culd i know i wuld
Went ice skating?:: yepers
Climbed a mountain?:: hehe yes good times
Killed something?:: nuthin major to this world..but yes
Went streaking?:: nope
Laughed so hard you peed your pants?:: pretty damn close
Do you like to shop?:: hmm not really unless i know wat im guna get
Have you ever got pulled over?:: nope
Have you ever been in a wreck?:: yes thx CHRISTY!! :)
Have you ever broken a bone?:: no
Do you live in the country?:: no
or the city?:: umm more the desert but if i have to pik city
Have you ever went over the speed limit?:: ye
Do you have your own car?:: not yet which sux balls its in texas
Do you like scary movies?:: hell yea
Do you like being scared?:: sumtimes depends
Do you have more than one house?:: no
Do you drink?:: yea
Do you smoke?:: depends on wat never a cigarette
Do you do drugs?:: no..tried a drug yes
What is your favorite beverage?:: Dr pepper damnit n coffee
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: no
What's their name?:: i just said no
Are you in love with them?:: hmmm kinda cant be
Do you have good friends:: yes yes i do
The Last
Person you hugged:: shari
Person you IMed:: hmm...a long time ago david
Person you kissed:: um i thnk my grandparents
Person you told you loved them:: my mom
Thing you ate:: subway
Thing you drank:: water
Thing you wore:: umm pants shirt ..u know the usual
Movie you watched:: wolf creek ...creepy as fuk
Person you texted:: cody
Place you went:: joshs
Person who texted you:: cody
Person you called:: christy
Person who called you:: krystal
Either/ Or
McDonalds/ BurgerKing:: McDonalds
Italian/ Mexican:: italian
Soccer/ Football:: football
Books/ TV:: tv
Cats/ Dogs:: dogs
Hot/ Smart:: hmm how bout both
Funny/ Sweet:: both for sure
Summer/ Winter:: winter
Love/ Crush:: both
Chocolate/ Vanilla:: CHOCOLATE!!
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