Add The Band to find out more n check out their other songs!!
Randy, James, and Chris started In the Fur in 2003.
Each with different but similar backgrounds, all with the same goal. They are determined to craft this band into an unstoppable
machine with legs, and make great albums that can be
cherished and remembered like the albums we grew up with.
Randy Goodman(singer/guitarist).
Beatles, Bowie, Stones, T-rex, ELO, Roxy Music, Floyd are just
a very small list of In the Furs influences.
However, the greatest influence on the band, has been each other. These three strangers, who are now as close as brothers, have started something real and special.
Anyone who catches an In the Fur show agrees, that this band brings back that energy and comforting feeling that good things are to come in the future of rock music.
In the Fur just released their 1st record "magnificent designs" Sept 9th which was half recorded at the Clubhouse in Rhinebeck, New York along with producers Charlie Brocco and Ken Coomer(Wilco). The other half recorded at Metropolitan Studio(aka Ruff Nation) in Bryn Mawr, Pa., produced by Walt Bass and In the Fur. Its just a matter of time. The music speaks for itself.
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