WhAt uP Cuz** WhAt uP gAnGstA**
.. ..TheY CaLL me RaY RaY
.. ..I'm EnGagEd ($o FuCk OfF)
I'm a bItCh ($o GeT U$eD tO it)
I've gOt uhh LiTTle boY
I'm hOne$t && tO thE fuCkiNg pOinT
I'm a FuCkInG JuGGAlO biTcH
I'm NoT aBoUt Ur DraMa
I hAte FaKe PeOpLe
I hAte aLL yOu Hoe$ anD a$$hOle$
I lOvE lOud Mu$iC
I LIke brIght Color$
I LIke rUnNinG mY moUth and taLkinG $hit ($oRRy)
$oMe PeoPle $ay I'm RuDe (my BaD)
BuT Ur MoM ThInk$ I'M an AnGel ^-^
I'm GooFy. I lOve 2 maKe PeOplE LaUgh
I PrObley LiKe WeEd mOre tHan I LiKe yOu
I'm $arcA$tiC
I'm Bi$eXual. (bUt Only If uR hOtt)
HatIn mE YeT? YeAh I cAn hAvE tHat AffeCt On PeOplE
3v3rY 0n3 iN hiGhSch00L wIlL w0rShiP tH3 fUcKinG Gr0UnD i WaLk 0N3v3rY 0n3 iN hiGhSch00L wIlL w0rShiP tH3 fUcKinG Gr0UnD i WaLk 0N love layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments