my name is hannah.
im going to actually finish something ive started writing.
i dont like burnt toast or dance music. they piss me off.
i can talk gaidhlig.
i like books, a hell of a lot. books interest me more than people. unless you are really interesting.
i like to draw although i cant.
i collect postcards and have very little room left on my wall.
i live in stirling. its awesome and small ect.
i drink old man drinks.
some people like to annoy me by calling me small but to be honest, i can still punch them in the face ;p.
i have red hair but i want it redder with streaks of black.
i like mysterious people, who will challenge me. i dont like having things handed to me on a plate.
i like hearing what people think of me but i dont care, unless they mean a lot to me.
it takes a while for me to trust.
i find scars really beautiful.
i run out of things to say and i get bored easily.
i like knowing people well enough to be able to sit in complete silence and not feel awkward.
im an english geek. im afraid you will just have to deal with it.
i love industrial music. its sex music. :D.
her family
her friends :-)
jack daniels
the smell of aftershave
lord of the rings
the cinema
mikey way
pure poison
dark colours
boy pants
her ipod
starbucks coffee
peanut butter and salt+vinegar crisp sandwiches
dark chocolate
dads army
cross necklaces
kisses in the rain
odd jewellery
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How Will You Die
Created by psychobitch and taken 22626 times on Bzoink
Age You Will Die? 55
How? Suicide
Method? Slit Your Wrists
Why? family troubles
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