About Me
Eduardo Caballero nace en Monterrey N. L. México en 1976. Estudia en la Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey guitarra con Jesús Quiroz y Pedro Salcedo. En la misma institución ingreso al Taller de composición con los maestros Ramiro Guerra (1996-1998) y José Luis Wario DÃaz (1998-2003).También ha ampliado sus estudios en la composición con algunos maestros en México: Manuel de ElÃas, Mario Lavista, VÃctor Rasgado, Radko Tichavsky; en España con: Cristóbal Halfter, Mauricio Sotelo, Mauricio López-López, Roberto Sierra y Salvatore Sciarrino; y en Austria con: Beat Furrer y Bergan Lang.Ha recibido las becas de Jóvenes Creadores FONECA 2000, Centro de Compositores de Nuevo León 20001-2002, Jóvenes Creadores FONECA 2003. A sido seleccionado a participar en el Encuentro de Compositores INJUVE 2001, 2002 y 2004, en Mollina-Málaga España. En febrero del 2005 asiste al IMPULS-ENSEMBLE ACADEMIE COMPOSITION CLASS 2005, que se llevó acabo del 11 al 20 de febrero del año en curso, en Graz Austria. Resientemente su obra “Self†fue estrenada en el Segundo Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea Michoacán 2005 por el esamble frances L´intant Donné.
Ganador del Primer Lugar en el concurso de Composicion del III Festival de guitarra de Chihuahua. Ganador del Premio de Composición Estatal del III Festival Internacional de Música Contemporanea “Musica Nueva†en Monterrey. Es Seleccionado para asitir a la residencia artÃstica en Millay Colony of the Arts N.Y. en Noviembre del 2006. Acualmente está trabajando en una obra para el panel de lectura del Ensamble Intercontemporain.Su música se a interpretado en México, España, Australia, Estados Unidos y Austria; y por los ensambles: Contempoanea Ensamble de Guitarras, L´intant Donné, Ensamble del Concervatorio de las Rosas, William Lane, Rodolfo Gutierrez, Hector Perez, Segei Truch, Arcema Ensamble, Ensamble Itinerante, Ensamble NURE, Orquesta de Cámara de la Facultad de Música UANL y Proyecto Guerrero.Eduardo CaballeroStudies and prizes In 1994 he enrolls the Superior School of Music and Dance of Monterrey in the Degree of Guitar Executant, graduating in October 2003. In 1996 he joins a Composition Workshop of Professon Ramiro Luis Guerra (student of G. Petrasi, L. Nono and B. Maderna), with whom besides took classes of Harmony and Counterpoint. In Mexico has taken composition classes with the Professors José Luis Wario Dïaz, Manuel de ElÃas, Juan Trigos, Radko Tichavsky, Arturo Salinas, Mario Lavista and Victor Rasgado. In the year 2000 and 2003 was winner of the scholarship for Creative Youths of the Counsel for Culture of Nuevo León, in 2001 and 2005 was winner of one of four scholarships of the Nuevo León Composers Center. Attended the I Course for Composers “Sonorous Resources of the Present Percussionâ€, in Cocentaina- Alicante Spain in July of the 2000, taking classes with the Spanish composer Pedro Guajardo and the group of percussions Neopercusión. In 2001 and 2002 it was selected to attend the Composers Encounter of INJUVE in Mollina-Malaga Spain, taking composition classes with Professors Cristobal Halfter, Mauricio Sotelo, Mauricio Lopez-Lopez, among others. In July of the 2004 was selected for the Composers Encounter of INJUVE 2004, where his work BELINO was performed in the reading panel, besides taking classes with the Composers Jesus Rueda Azcuaga, Roberto Sierra and Salvatore Sciarrino. Has been awarded the First Place in the International Guitar Composition Contest of the III Guitar Festival of Chihuahua; the Fist Place in the Composition Contest of the III New Music Festival of Monterrey and is one of he 3 winners of the 2nd International Festival of Contemporary Music 2005 in Morelia. In february of 2005 attends at the IMPULS-ENSEMBLE ACADEMIE COMPOSITION CLASS 2005, that took place from 11 to 20 of february, in Graz Austria. Has been selected to participate in a Composers´ Residency in the Millay Colony for the Arts in Austerlitz, N.Y. from the 1st to the 29th of november 2006. Selected for reading panel for the Intercontemporain Ensamble (Feance) within the Forum of the Cultures Monterrey 2007. Selected to attend the N.E.O.N. “Nevada Encounters of New Music†in the US to take place in march 16-18 of the current year.