guardsman horvath profile picture

guardsman horvath

I am here for Friends

About Me

God of my fathers! guide my way Amidst the Battle's fierce alarms; Grant me to see, this dreadful day, The triumph of my Country's arms.Yet not my will, but thine be done, If thy high wisdom doom my fall, Tho' short the race of life I've run, I die content at Duty's call.Then, if thy grace my prayer accord, Th' expression of my parting breath, Grateful, I'll bless thy goodness, Lord! And smile amidst the pangs of Death."May my transgressions of thy will Find mercy thro' my Saviour's name! May my lov'd Country, freed from ill, Long flourish in unbounded fame!"on the seventh day god created the foot guards and the devil stood to attention.Name: joey aka baby kangeroo
Birthdate: 07/06/1988
Birthplace: salford hope hospital
Current Location: london
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: brownish
Height: 5ft7
Weight: 12stone
Piercings: use to ava industrial but took it out because of the army
Tatoos: nope
Overused Phraze: wat the fuck, spinnage,hell fuck yeah
Food: potatoes
Candy: daim bar lol
Number: 24, n i bet summit crazy is gonna happen when i turn that age
Color: Blue
Animal: cat and dog
Drink: coffee
Alcohol Drink: fosters when im broke, guinness when im loaded
Letter: J because it owns
Body Part on Opposite sex: eyes N smile nad the butt lol
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: neither
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: wheres the coffee at?
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: ahhh theres the coffee
Kiss or Hug: BOTH
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: both
Summer or Winter: both and i love to walk to the shop on a cold winter night mmmm
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both but u gotta luv the comedies tho
Love or Money: toughy??? ill get bk to that
Bedtime: errr when i can be bothered
Most Missed Memory: chilling in manchester wit the best people eva u no who ya are
Best phyiscal feature: the joey
First Thought Waking Up: down boy down!!!!!! lol oo need a peee
Best Friends: the people who i care about n they no who they are
Weakness: money money money
Fears: drowning
Ever Drank: hahahaha hella fuck yeah
Ever Smoked: im on 3 cigs a day waahooo
Pot: yeah shit days
Ever been Drunk: read the dictionary under joey it reads (drunk lad who doesnt no when to stop lmao)
Ever been beaten up: ive been beatin to a bloody pulp some times n i always get up laughin
Ever beaten someone up: yeah n i regret em all
Ever Shoplifted: yeah when i was lil nippa haha i nicked a toy gun that shoots out rubber balls. i gt caught, they picked me up n actually phoned the police haha i was freekin 6 years old. n i was sent home in a police van, i was on the front seat n he let me wear his hat haha yeah the 1 that looks like a tit haha. :/ mm interesting..
Ever Skinny Dipped: Noo
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: BLue
Favorite Hair Color: brunette
Short or Long: long... duuurr
Height: aint fussed
Style: depends really i wont actually go out wit a hobo now would i. im not surprised in a couple of years thats gonna be a new fashion lmao freaks
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute: hot with alot of cuteness
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: errr is this a girl we talkin about well dont wanna be with a ms swarzanegga ewwww
Number of Regrets in the Past: learn from ya mistakes
What country do you want to Visit: I dunno eveyrwhere reason why i joined the army
How do you want to Die: summit worth while u wont see me on a death bed.
Been to the Mall Lately: not my cup of tea
Do you like Thunderstorms: luv em
Get along with your Parents: i luv em call me a pussy hahaha well FUCK YOU. HAHAHAHAHA
Health Freak: i am health freak .... who smokes n drinks :/
Do you think your Attractive: do u ??? sorry wasnt payin attention i was lookin at the hot guy in the mirror oooo SHABANG!!!!!!!!
Believe in Yourself: thats the way to go
Want to go to College: went once, was fun
Do you Smoke: duuuuuuurrrrrrr u asked me this already. and to answer it is yes...... dumbass
Do you Drink: evrysat not really a friday person
Shower Daily: yeah i feel rancid when i dont
Been in Love: yes i have
Do you Sing: all the time. anywhere, anytime haha like i give a shit
Want to get Married: leave a message after the tone
Do you want Children: leave a message
Have your future kids names planned out: either boy or girl its gonna be called joey
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