Matt profile picture


About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorUmmm... ok a little bit about me.. wow!
Mandy and Sabrina are gonna write this for me... cuz I don't know me...
Alrighty. we're gona do this like a sports brodcast, whaddaya say sabrina?
sureeee well he used to look like a monkey but i dunno what happened... Umm, he's a poker addict, has super powers. I'm not at liberty to say which ones though, cause if I did, I'd have to kill you. Well, Matt'd have to kill you.. with his super powers. honestly matthews a pertty cool guy, he has his weird moments but he rocks anyways :D One thing to remember... if you hang out with them too long you will get addicted to it... welll k wait that sounds a little weird... at night they (meaning mandy and matthew) like to go out at night and walk... at first you may think that its kinda dumb but i gotta admit its kinda awesome :D... Yeah, I agree with Sabo, we ( me matt, and now sabrina) are quite the addictive group; we're immature pyros and damn proud. And yeah, on a more serious note; Matt can be quite the good listener, smart kid with smart advice. And he's never afraid to be a fuckin moron..(yeah, check out the pic of a 'monster' and a 'gangster' in my 'my friends own' pics.. you'll get the idea.)
To Conclude: Matthew IS the awesomest person alive :D Ahem, Sabrina, that'd be the most awsome. not awseomest. BUT, I'd have to agree. Shut up mandy im right you're WRONG!!! ALL WRONG! hehehe
okay. I think we're done. I think we are too :) Have a wonderful time reading this matthew ROBERT shaver :D
~* you delete anything that is on this i will come over across that park of ours and killl you :D:D *~
By the way ppl check out his new pictures!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

well quite franckly( i don't knwo if tahts spelt right but oh well haha ) i've already met everyone and i feel that my life is fulfilled. I mean i got the best friends in the entire world(katrina tay, dana, myre to the power of two) and well everyone else. and a girlfriend that i love very much.Class of oh eight. im so excited. hahamy favorite tv show: is barney. gotta love that guy. i love the spice girls '' ill tell you what i want whaat i really want . i wanna i wanna i wanna really wanna zig a zig ahh" thats what im talking abotu right thurrrrrrrrr:)well thers more to come but for now ill leave you with thisssssskatrina rocks my sockss:)


SHAVE, can you stop smoking up with the little fishies please, so we have time to call lipozene on mah purple razrrr because christmas just finished and i've been packing on the pounds. And then because i want to, i will move to a big house with wentworth miller, johnny deppp, and POlice ha ha ha.., and unless you chose to live in a whole with rabbits for the rest of your life, your fatass can live in my basement. And well, we'll be able to play poker everynight.

love youu crackhead
-whale (the cartstaa)

peace eZ


"Dammit, the stupid ones in this world, you either wanna kill em or do em."

:) You're the best Mandy.

We're doing okay lol