i LOvE sPOrts...! i LOvE wAtching mOviEs with mAh friEnds...! tELEbAbAd tiLL midnight..! tExting...! chAtting..! sUrfing thE nEt...! hAngOUt with mAh friEnds...!
pEOpLE whO cAn gEt ALOng with whAt i dO... whO cAn UndErstAnd mE... whO cAn AccEpt mE fOr whO i Am..!
RnB..! sEnti..! AcOUstic..! LOvEsOngs..! pOp..! pOprOck..! bALLAd..! ALtErnAtivE..!
shE's ALL thAt..! pArEnt tRAp..! whEn in rOmE..! thE chALLEngE..! pAsspOrt tO pAris..! thE dOLL mAstEr..!
LAhAt ng kAyAng pAnOOrin ng mgA mAtA cOh..! *winkz*
LAhAt ng kAyAng bAsAhin ng mgA chingkitin kOng mAtA..! *winkz*
c bAtmAn... c sUpErmAn...! hAhA..! c spidErmAn..!