Theatre, dramatic literature, directing, sipping tea on my patio as the dew evaporates and the hummingbirds come over for breakfast. The moon and the holy feeling that fills me in empty churches and theaters.
Real people. People who aren't afraid to be lost, to be themselves, to be honest. People who aren't always striving for attention. Those who want to learn new things and teach new things to others. People who make me laugh.
Blue October, but I can't listen for long because it's all so depressing. Anything I like enough to actually seek out the title of.
anything that makes me FEEL...especially anything that makes me cry. I'm a sucker for emotion. Science fiction but not horror. Suspense is okay. Action, fantasy, comedy...but not dumb comedy.
Heros is the only thing I actually watch when it's on TV. Everything else is on DVD. I love shows that are canceled before their time: Firefly, Love Monkey, Joan of Arcadia. House. Criminal Minds. Prison Break.
Science fiction/fantasy. Not trashy romance novels. Historical fiction.
Anyone who can have a deep and passionate discussion without becoming personally offended if the other person doesn't agree...and doesn't try to convert the other person. People who follow their dreams, whatever those dreams might be.