TOXIC CUNT (nEW sONGS uP) profile picture


One Man Stoner Brutality

About Me

1. I am ONE PERSON so stop refering to ME as "DUDES" or I Will Anal Rape you with a Katana
2. I add songs almost EVERDAY so check back often for sick tunes
3. Toxic Cunt Rules
Crappy Banner I made...
Thanks goes to Harley Hatred for this banner!
Thanks goes to Stritty from PADM/NYDM for this banner!
Toxic Cunt Started in late 2005 as an experimental grindcore, goregrind, thrash, death metal, experiment solo project In a room where cum crust molded onto the walls, funyun crumbs infested the floor, and blunts and bongs were smoked constantly. It was a young man's dream to start a band with such elements but unfortunitly the small town of Chambersburg had no talented musicians that were brutal, fast, or technical enough to keep up withZak, the man behind this monstrosity. 5 "Albums" have been recorded since then (JERK OFF TO THE DEAD, NECROCUNT, VAGINAL COLOPATHY, SLUTS, CUNTS, MURDER AND BLUNTS, and ASS MASSACRE) and 1 split with 13 Ground Up Children (Zak's causin's solo project). Toxic Cunt Is always evolving...never the same shit and today Toxic Cunt still creates grind assults and death metal mayhem. The objective was to create the brutalist, fastest, groove break downed and technical as possible music that one man could only do on his own! There for Toxic Cunt was born and still prolongs.
(Highly Infuence by Pig Destroyer and ANb)
1. Fist Fucked
2. Grape Coolaid turns Your Poop Green
3. I got to piss really bad
4. Running with scissors
5. Autistic Bitch Fit
6. Killing Is Fun
7. Ode to my Chode
8. Cats ate her face
9. Bitch
10. Insestual Beastiality
11. Anus Destroyer
12. Jerk Off To The Dead
13. Visions of Demons
14. Suffer Slowly
15. Feces Peanutbutter Cups
16. Pussy Punishment
17. Untitled
18. Untitled
19. Puke On My Cock
(Highly Influenced by Pig Destroyer and Magrudergrind)
1. Zombie Slut
2. Piss Infected Cromezome
3. Dick In a Meat grinder
4. Mensrual Blood Painting
5. Fuck the Police
6. Blood and feces
7. Murdered by a Fat Bitch
8. Fire Lizzard
9. Puss Filled Cunt
10. Get Drunk OFF OF My Nuts
11. Ass Assassin
12. Spermbank Poopshoot
13. Bathed in shit
14. Your a fucking Bitch
15. Necrocunt
16. Escape Reality
(Again Highly Influenced by Pig Destoryer/Magrudergrind and some Tech Metal)
1. Intro
2. Virus
3. Mind Fucked
4. Untitled
5. Love is Lost
6. Use Once and Destroy
7. Gore Fucked
8. Sodomized by your gay uncle
9. I'd Like A Refund Or Expect Arson To Your Place Of Business Magrudergrind Cover)
10. She tahguht I cared but i just liked her tits
11. Die in your own shit
12. Burn in hell
13. Fuck the World
14. Untitled
(Highly Influeneced by Hour of Penance/Severed Savior/Hate eternal)
1. Remains of a killing spree
2. Prodigy's of death
3. Sluts, cunts, murder and blunts
4. Toxic cunt
5. Aborted Existence
6. Fucked with a katana
7. Disgorged whored
8. e.Y.e
9. Jerk off to the dead
10. Visions of demons
11. Born of blood
12. Morbid Wasteland
13. Marijuana Mutilation
(First Goregrind Album)
1. Dick to Ass
2. Ripping Assholes
3. I Kissed Courtney Love and Was High for Three Weeks
4. Ass Massacre
5. Rip Off Your Face
6. Ass to Mouth
7. Surrounded by Shit
8. Midget Sex On The Short Bus
9. Felt Like Faeces
10. Severed Butt Crack
Toxic Cunt/13 Ground Up Children
"We Reserve The Right To Beat Your Children" Split
$3 US $5 world
First split ever! Send me a message or comment If you want one, hurry cause there is a limited supply!
Bands I Support...

My Interests


Member Since: 7/23/2005
Band Website: This IS it" This IS it
Band Members: ZAK TOXIC - Screams, Gurggles, Gutturals and Growls, Guitars , drum programming and everything elseAND THE ALMIGHTY BONGOLATOR
All kinds of shit...Old Sepultura, Pig Destroyer, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Fuck...I'm Dead, Hour of Penance, Suffocation, Severed Savior, Deeds of Flesh, Gorgasm, PsyOpus, Severe torture, Cliteater, Artery Eruption, Devourment, Anal Bleeding, Torsofuck, Magrudergrind, blast beats, anything short and fast that will make your ears bleed, the heaviest and fastest shit on the planet, Beer and Jager, Porn, Violent, Gory, Adult Anime, hentai, ATHF, Family Guy, Kung Fu flicks especialy The dragon, Funyuns, General Tsao's, Ramen...And the 420 girls!

Sounds Like: Brutal Weed Induced Groovegrind Technality.

Record Label: Gutted Pig ,Meatflesh and Goremegeddon Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Signed, Split in the works, and Album release Update!

Alright, Finaly some good news! Toxic Cunt has been signed by Gutter Pig Records! A small label that Is just starting out but with promising offers and cool people! A split will be released with 10 so...
Posted by TOXIC CUNT (nEW sONGS uP) on Thu, 17 May 2007 02:08:00 PST


TOXIC CUNT/13 GROUND UP CHILDREN "WE DESERVE THE RIGHT TO BEAT YOUR CHILDREN" 8 SONG SPLIT $3 US $5 world This is a mean fucking split! If you are interested shoot Tim a message on his page. ww...
Posted by TOXIC CUNT (nEW sONGS uP) on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:26:00 PST