antiques, art, automobiles of the 1960's, backpacking, the bay area, belgian ale, bicycles, camping, cinema, current events/world news, deutsches bier, deutschland, exploitation films, healthy/organic/vegan/vegetarian food and restaurants, history, insightful conversations, intellectuals, motor scooters, museums, music, nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), necking, outdated slang, pale skin, psychedelia, road trips, sunscreen, surrealism, underground.
friedrich wilhelm nietzsche: "WITHOUT MUSIC, LIFE WOULD BE A MISTAKE." acid rock, ambient, electric blues, garage, garage punk, girl groups, heavy classical, late 70's and early 80's punk rock, opera, psych, rock 'n' roll, yé-yé...
some of my current favorites: animal collective, beirut, the chocolate watchband, clap your hands say yeah, r. crumb and his cheap suit serenaders, the electric prunes, fursaxa, france gall, the magnetic fields, klaus nomi, silver apples.
american beauty, angels' wild women, apocalypse now, the battle of algiers, beyond the valley of the dolls, blow-up, das boot, braindead, children of men, downfall (der undertang), dr. strangelove or: how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb, the dreamers, eegah, eraserhead, eyes wide shut, faster, pussycat! kill! kill!, fando y lis, the great dictator, head, the holy mountain, masculin féminin, meet the feebles, metropolis, monterey pop, mudhoney, natural born killers, the night porter, the nomi song, psych-out, repulsion, requiem for a dream, rock 'n' roll high school, the science of sleep, suicide club, thx 1138, the trip, valerie and her week of wonders, y tu mamá también.
æon flux, bbc world news, the daily show, nip/tuck, south park.
dystopian classics and political, for the most part.