There is no safe place to go
I should know
The lame and the droll
have needs
to let their feelings show
No one is truly original anymore, so find what you like and let it influence you.
People often tell me that I have a good head on my shoulders, even those who barely know me. The problem is that I have a big heart. The moment that it grows bigger than usual, my head pops right off, so all rationale seems to fly out the window. Sometimes I hate it, but a good friend helped me to realize that when that happens, at least it reminds me that I'm still human.
You can also add me on Facebook.
About me.
-I'm taking piano class at AR.
-My phone's off between 10:25 am to 12:30 pm Mon-Thur.
*I laugh like Johnny Knoxville.
*I'm in one band and a side project.
*I’m a morning person once you get me up.
*To be honest, I tend to be overbearing with the people I love, but I'm working on it.
*I can't dance most of the time.
*I read a whole bunch.
*I get choked up almost every time I hear "Stand Inside Your Love" by Smashing Pumpkins.
*I'm forward.
*I don't like going to parties, but I really enjoy hanging out.
*I enjoy sleeping early.
*I talk in my sleeeeep.
*I believe in being exclusive when dating.
*Take me to Knott's Berry Farm.
*I don’t share food with people
unless I’m giving them some from myself. Yes, I’m a germaphob .
*I take a lot of daily vitamins
*I almost always lose my flash drives
*I hate sports
*I don't hate exercise
*I've been writing lyrics for four years, singing for 2 and playing piano since the beginning of summer '09
*I've learned to let go.
*I don't like having thick hair, I have to thin it out at the hair cut place every three months.
*I listen to a lot of 90's Alternative rock, but I don't like when the vocals are too grungy.
*I'm a big procrastinator, but I promise that I'm working on it.
Those who have pieces of my heart(no particular order):