About me huh, well to get right down to it, I'm the guy who seems to get along with everybody and yet doesn't seem to really fit in anywhere at the same time. I'm pretty much an oddity about that. But when it comes to the practical, I'm a Live Production guy, that's basically as simple as i get. I live and work in and around the live production world, Music, Theater, concerts, corporate, whatever pays the bills. And I'm loving every minute of it. I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to describe my personnality attributes, I enjoy what's real, I'm not a fan of the fake personnea, fake friends, fake image lifestyle. I'm a little Chinese proverb, and a little Halo playing typical guy. I think when it comes down to it, you have to come up with your own interpretaion of me. My only goal in life for the moment is to live life to the best of my ability and never miss an opportunity to make someone smile.
Which Heroes Character Are You?
You are Peter. You're too sincere, but it works for you. Your family is very supportive despite your idealism.
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