Howard Salmon Music profile picture

Howard Salmon Music

About Me

I was born in California, December 25th 1958. My family moved to Oregon where I grew up. In Dec. 1978, I joined the US Army. I was a Wrecker Operator. I finished my 3 year hitch and went into the Oklahoma National Guard. 1 year later I joined the US Air Force in Nov 1980. My job was Driver. I drove anything that needed driving. While in the US Air Force I started with my Music.
In Nov 1984, I discharged out and got a job driving a truck. I used the time on the road to think about my songs. I wrote my first in the early 90's and they are still coming.
I love the music of George Jones, Alan Jackson and George Strait. I was driving but mostly local, so was able to have nights and weekends off to enjoy Concerts.
I was doing Photography for a Country Music newspaper, and this allowed me back stage access, where I met many Stars. In 1996, I bought my first truck and hit the road. In 2000, I got an XM radio and found XM 171, where we were blessed with Trucking Giants Dave Nemo, Bill Mack and Trucking Bozo.
Trucking Bozo put together a Cruise for truckers. On that Cruise I met Gene Watson and Willie P Richardson. I had just finished writing my song, "Soldiers and Truckers", I ask Willie P. if he would do my song, and he said yes. The day of the Concert Willie P. told me that he was sorry he couldn’t do my song, but that I could. Rehearsal is a 6pm, and you go on at 8pm with me, he said.
While listening to the Dave Nemo program on Sundays, a young lady named Marcia Campbell was starting a program for Trucker Talent. She encouraged Drivers to call in and share their Songs, Stories and Poems. It was through this Trucker Talent Spotlight that I heard Yogi Bear, (Ron Terry) calling in with his poems. We talked many times over the phone about our dreams and ambitions with our writing and recording. I will always be grateful to Marcia for her show to help get me started.
I also would like to thank Bruce Hodges, Host of the Nightride for sharing our music with his audience.
In 2008 we started talking about doing a CD to Honor our Troops, and in June 2009 we completed that project and sent hundred of copies of "These Trucks Are Made Of Gold", overseas to our Troops.
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My Interests


Member Since: 05/08/2007
Band Members:

Sounds Like:
                                                                                  Please check out my friend Bruce Hodges. His show is the best!!! I turn off my XM radio and turn on my laptop just to hear his show. I think you will agree with me, his show will keep you going!!! Howard
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

To Order CD’s

To order Cd's send check or money order to: Howard Salmon  P.O. Box 832 Nice, Calif. 95464.... $6.25 first CD any additional $5.
Posted by on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:52:00 GMT

OOIDA Truckers for Troops

Hello Everyone, I recently became a member of the OOIDA Truckers for Troops Foundation. It is a organization for truckers wanting to help our troops by sending care packages and gifts to them. I have ...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 17:52:00 GMT