My life is that of an anime character: full of hopes, dreams, and spontaneous drama. I live my very existence through the reality of the gaming and Anime universe; and through that universe, I continue to weave a new diverse thread of my personality and universal surroundings within this time space dimension. As a speaker of Chinese linguistics a practitioner of Martial Arts and a cultivator of Gymnastics, I strive to reach and share with the world excellence in the art of the “under-represented†realm of the imagination.
In this never ending quest to re-position the stars at will, I can only hope that along the way I can instruct the world that the way to obtain true power is through elegance, class, character, and finesse.
My biggest mission amongst the gaming and anime universe is not to be the best player in the world, but to be the most noted patron who not only developed a relationship with the characters of the gaming universe, but also who was capable of bringing their facets into reality through me.Contact Fu-Sung E. Cookye:Yahoo: fusungc
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