Roden je 1. avgusta 1952. u Bosanskom Å amcu. Gimnaziju je zavrÅ¡io u Beogradu 1970. Studirao je filozofiju i 1974. diplomirao je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu, a 1979. doktorirao na Univerzitetu u Konstancu.Govorio je da je studirao filozofiju dvadeset sati dnevno i da je istovremeno pohadao studije istorije umetnosti, sociologije i ekonomije. Na prvom casu na Filozofskom fakultetu sukobio se s komunistima jer je tvrdio da veliki Marks ne da nije najveci, vec uopÅ¡te nije filozof. Drugi veliki i znacajniji sukob imao je s policijom zbog organizovanja "ilegalnih aktivnosti u studentskoj organizaciji protiv komunista, zbog cega je sam putovao po celoj Jugoslaviji". Zbog tih aktivnosti bio je i osuden, cak se i Vili Brant, nemacki kancelar, zauzimao za njega pa se, umesto u zatvoru, naÅ¡ao u Nemackoj. Doktorirao je na tezi "Problemi utemeljenja kriticke teorije druÅ¡tva" kod Jirgena Habermasa.Bio je viÅ¡i naucni saradnik u Centru za filozofiju i druÅ¡tvenu teoriju u Beogradu, poslanik u sva tri viÅ¡estranacka saziva Narodne skupÅ¡tine Republike Srbije i Vecu republika SkupÅ¡tine SRJ. Bio je profesor na Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu.Napisao je sledeca dela: "Subjektivnost i nasilje", "Jesen dijalektike", "Jugoslavija kao nedovrÅ¡ena država" i "Srbija ni na Istoku ni na Zapadu". Preveo je mnoga filozofska dela i autor je velikog broja novinskih prikaza.Nikada nije bio clan Saveza komunista. Ipak, politikom se bavio sve vreme, aktivno od 1989. kada je sa joÅ¡ 12 intelektualaca inicirao obnavljanje Demokratske stranke, a na SkupÅ¡tini Stranke 1990. bio je jedan od osnivaca. Septembra 1990. je izabran za predsednika IzvrÅ¡nog odbora, a onda, januara 1994. postaje predsednik Demokratske stranke.Za Demokratsku stranku je govorio da je kao preduzece, nikako mesto za druženje, pojaÅ¡njavajuci da svako u stranci mora da ima proizvod, "a to mogu biti plakat, poruka, kritika, nastup... i mora se znati ko taj proizvod koristi, da li je njime zadovoljan". ObjaÅ¡njavao je ko može da bude politicar: "Covek, da bi se bavio politikom, mora da ima jak i cvrst karakter, autoritet, da ume da presece, da se zameri, kaže 'ne' i da ga mrze, jer je to priroda politike. Neko ko isuviÅ¡e ide na Å¡irenje simpatija, udvaranja i izbegavanja sukoba mora joÅ¡ mnogo da nauci da bi vodio jednu ozbiljnu stranku".Za gradonacelnika Beograda izabran je 21. februara 1997. godine, ispred koalicije "Zajedno" koja je na lokalnim izborima 1996. odnela pobedu u viÅ¡e gradova u Srbiji.U sudskom sporu sa predsednikom Vlade Republike Srbije Mirkom Marjanovicem, 20. septembra 1996. osuden je na 4 meseca zatvora, uslovno na dve godine. Vrhovni sud Srbije 9. jula 1998. preinacio je presudu i izrekao novu u kojoj je osuden na 7 meseci zatvora, uslovno na 3 godine.Americki nedeljnik "Tajm" u septembru 1999. uvrstio ga je medu 14 vodecih evropskih politicara treceg milenijuma.U junu 2000. Ãindic je preuzeo funkciju koordinatora u Savezu za promene, a potom postao i Å¡ef centralnog izbornog Å¡taba i koordinator promotivne kampanje DOS-a za izbore koji su održani 24. septembra 2000. Na tim izborima Ãindic je izabran za poslanika u Vecu republika SkupÅ¡tine SRJ.Dobitnik je ugledne nemacke nagrade "Bambi" za 2000. u oblasti politike.Za premijera Srbije izabran je 25. januara 2001. nakon pobede DOS-a na republickim parlamentarnim izborima u decembru 2000.Ãindic je avgustu 2002. u Pragu primio nagradu Fondacije "Polak" za doprinos razvoju demokratije u Srbiji. Nagrada se dodeljuje svake godine za doprinos sprovodenju demokratskih i ekonomskih reformi u Centralnoj i Istocnoj Evropi.Voleo je takmicenja i provere. Bio je veoma strpljiv, obrazovan i pragmatican. Trudio se da se ne ponavlja, birao bi jednu sliku, poruku, recenicu i oko toga gradio pricu. Priznavao je da nema pretenzija da kaže neÅ¡to epohalno, ali je smatrao da ce ostati upamcen po velikim stvarima. Život nije mogao da zamisli bez ljudi jer ljudska komunikacija mu je bila potrebna kao uslov za proveru ideja i sposobnosti. Kod sebe je cenio spremnost da uci i priznaje greÅ¡ke, kao i spremnost da ih ispravlja, a kod drugih je cenio pouzdanost. Govorio je da nema poroka.Dr Zoran Ãindic je ubijen 12. marta 2003. ispred zgrade Vlade Republike Srbije, zato Å¡to je pokuÅ¡ao da Srbiju oslobodi proÅ¡losti i odvede je u buducnost.Zoran Ãindic je iza sebe ostavio suprugu Ružicu, cerku Jovanu i sina Luku.izvor:
oran Ãindic (1 August 1952 – 12 March 2003) was a Serbian prime minister, mayor of Belgrade, long-time opposition politician and a philosopher by profession.BiographyÃindic was born in Bosanski ,,amac, a town on the Sava river in the Cefur region of northern Bosnia and Herzegovina, then Yugoslavia, but he completed his secondary education in the IX gymnasium in Belgrade, where his father Dragomir was sent as an officer in the Yugoslavian army. His mother Mila was a homemaker. Ãindic had one older sister — Gordana. Ãindic took an interest in politics as a student of philosophy at the University of Belgrade.A pro-reform socialist, he continued his studies in Germany under professor Jürgen Habermas in Frankfurt. Ãindic went to Germany after being attacked by the communist regime and media for trying to organize an independent political movement of Yugoslav students. It is said that during his days as a student in Germany, Ãindic often visited the largest left-wing bookstore in the town, the "Libresso" at Opera Square where Joschka Fischer was working at the time. The relevance of this became a subject of speculation in the context of Fischer's earlier pacifism and his later unpopular decision to contribute to NATO attacks on Serbia. However, neither a political nor a personal friendship of the men can be proven.In 1979 Ãindic obtained a Ph.D. in philosophy from the university of Konstanz. He spoke German fluently. His ability in English was at a moderate level, so he took English classes every day while he was Serbian prime-minister.In 1989 Ãindic returned to Yugoslavia to take a teaching post at Novi Sad University, and together with other Serb dissidents he founded the Democratic Party. He became Chairman of the Executive Board of the party in 1990, and was elected to the Parliament of Serbia in the same year. In 1993 he became the President of the Democratic Party.After a massive series of public protests over elections annulled by the central government under Slobodan Milo,,evic during the winter 1996/97, Ãindic became Mayor of Belgrade, the first non-communist mayor to hold that post after the Second World War. United only by their political enemy, the coalition "Zajedno" (Together) with Vuk Dra,,kovic's SPO and Vesna Pe,,ic's GSS collapsed only four months after their victory. Ãindic was voted out of his position as Belgrade mayor by the SPO, SPS and SRS.After anti-regime publisher and journalist Slavko Curuvija was murdered on Orthodox Easter during NATO bombings attacking Serbia, Ãindic sought safety and fled to temporary exile in Montenegro, allegedly because of information that he was next on the assassination list of then-President Slobodan Milo,,evic's secret service. Before long, he left for Western countries, being regarded as a political friend by western leaders such as Gerhard Schröder and Bill Clinton. In September 1999, Ãindic was named by Time magazine as one of the most important politicians at the beginning of the 21st century.Photos of his handshake with Clinton at time of the bombings have been used by Milo,,evic's propaganda to portray him as a traitor, as well as by the opposition to show his and accordingly Belgrade's possible international recognition. Upon his return to the country in July 1999, Ãindic was charged with endangering state security in a trial that was closed to the public and subsequently said to be rigged. Zoran Ãindic competing in Serbian edition of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? quiz show, December, 2002 Zoran Ãindic competing in Serbian edition of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? quiz show, December, 2002Ãindic played a prominent role in the presidential elections of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in September 2000 and in the October 5 uprising that overthrew the Milo,,evic regime, and then led the broad-based 18-party Democratic Opposition of Serbia coalition to victory in the Serbian elections of December 2000. He became Premier of Serbia on 25 January 2001.In 2001, Ãindic played a key role in sending Milo,,evic to the UN War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague[1]. Later, he said that he became disillusioned with the protracted trial of Milo,,evic, and even condemned it as an expensive "circus". Ãindic said the court in The Hague was "allowing Milo,,evic to behave like a demagogue and to control the trial".Ãindic was received favorably by Western nations. His meetings with Western leaders George Bush, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac and others strongly indicated that the West supported his politics. Ãindic had constant disagreements with his ex-coalition partner and then-Yugoslav federal president Vojislav Ko,,tunica, who was his biggest political rival in Serbia itself. His earlier close relationship with Montenegrin president Milo Ãukanovic had also cooled because of Ãukanovic's aspiration for an independent Montenegro state.AssassinationÃindic was assassinated in Belgrade in the stairway of the main Serbian government building on 12 March 2003, at 12:23pm. Shot once in the chest, a high-power bullet penetrated his heart and killed him almost instantly. He was rushed to the emergency hospital where he was treated, but pronounced dead one hour later.According to the official government statement, Ãindic was not conscious and did not have a pulse upon arriving at the emergency ward.[citation needed] His bodyguard Milan Veruovic was also seriously wounded in the stomach by another shot.Ãindic's assassin, allegedly police specialist Zvezdan Jovanovic, called Zveki, had fired the bullets by sniper scope from the window of a nearby building. Jovanovic was born in 1965 in Pec, Kosovo. He had been a member of the JSO, or the Red Berets, as people called them, and held the police rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Jovanovic was active in the series of Yugoslav wars in the 1990s and stated he killed Ãindic because he saw him as a traitor to Serbia.The assassination of Ãindic was preceded by several unsuccessful attempts at his life. Most notable was an attempt several days before 12 March 2003, in which a truck driven by Dejan Milenkovic, a known member of the criminal Zemun Clan, tried to force the Prime Minister's car off the highway in New Belgrade. Ãindic escaped injury only due to the outstanding reaction of his driver and his security detail.Ãindic had made many enemies for his pro-Western stance, reformist economic policies, arresting Milo,,evic and relinquishing him to the ICTY, and for clamping down on organized crime. The murder was allegedly organized by Milorad Ulemek, also known as Legija. Ulemek is an ex-Commander of the special police unit founded by Milosevic's secret service during the nineties, who ordered Jovanovic to carry out the assassination. Legija was connected to the powerful Zemun clan of the Serbian mafia, and had been recently sentenced to 40 years in jail for other offences that included murder and attempted murder.Nata,,a Micic, then acting President of Serbia, declared a state of emergency immediately following the shooting. Zoran ,,ivkovic was elected by the Serbian Democratic Party as Ãindic's successor. However, after new parliamentary elections Boris Tadic was appointed president of the Democratic Party and Vojislav Ko,,tunica became the new Serbian Prime Minister.Aleksandar Simovic, an alleged co-conspirator, has been arrested in Belgrade on November 23, 2006.Ãindic was married to Ru,,ica. They had two children — a daughter, Jovana, born in 1990, and a son, Luka, born in 1993.His solemn state procession and funeral, held on 15 March 2003, was attended by hundreds of thousands of citizens and by foreign delegations. Ãindic's death represents a political and moral tragedy to many Serbs who saw in him a statesman of hope who guaranteed peaceful coexistence with neighboring nations, integration to Europe and the rest of the world, economic prosperity and a brighter future.His political opponent and critic during his premiership Vojislav Ko,,tunica acknowledged his work two years later with these words:Zoran Ãindic was the first to take this difficult task to lead government in very unstable times. Probably his energy and commitment made it possible for things to move forward. It is one thing to watch it from the sidelines and it is completely different to be a part of it. I understand that now when I am Prime Minister and watch things a bit differently. He was very important for the whole process.Quotes“If someone believes they can stop the implementation of the law by eliminating me, they are seriously deluding themselves, because I am not the system. The system will continue to function, and no-one will receive amnesty for their crimes by eliminating one or two government officials.â€?Politika (21 February 2003) and Glas Javnosti (24 February 2003).Text from
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