Poetry... Brendon... artsy craftsy stuff... Brendon...uhhhh oh and Brendon
Myspace Graphics
I would love to meet anyone that is interesting.. Everyone is interesting in there own way.. Anyone that shares my dreams and my hopes.PimpYoPage.Com
3 Days Grace....DISTURBED!!!!! System of a Down.....!!!! totally... Uh and on the other side of the music world.... Ashlee Simpson.....Phantom of the Opera...... Breaking Benjamin... Hoobastank.... Pretty much everything.. Well sorta everything!!!! I HATE HATE HATE Hanson and boy bands.....Puke...Ick....Gag....Bleh.... Did I mention PUKE!!!!!!
300 was an awesome movie.. Check it out!
Lake House was beautiful, Pirates 3 was cute,
Man on Fire...
Team America World Police, unrated version, way hysterical...
Lord Of The Rings, mostly the 3rd one uncut was great...
And Anchorman was Pretty funny
I ♥ Lucy, Roseanne, BIG LOVE, DEXTER, Mornign news on Channel 11
Uses Of Enchantment, a Psychology book that discusses Fairy Tales and there meanings as well as how different people percieve them and use them in there own lives.Nelson Demille's Night Fall. The ending will freaking shock you... Go to your local WALDENBOOKS and pick up a copy.... The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory... The Camino by Shirley MacLaine.... Brave New World by Aldous Huxley...
My hero is my Dad!!!! He has worked so hard for everything we've got and never misses a beat... He is the best daddy in the world!!!! My other heroes are Gary and Marlene, without them I would not have achieved the successes that I have.