I'm just a kid with a thought a pen and a pad. Sometimes when I get a chance to enter a studio I recite what I wrote down. Born Reco Jackson from Tammy and Steven, grew up no different from most people in the slums. Was raised at the bottom of the lowest class point blank and thats what shaped me to the young man I am today. I've been around music my whole life, my grandfather on my mothers side was a great and passionate Gospel artist may he rest in peace. My fathers side of the family, well have music embedded in there blood line lol all seriousness they do. My grandmother though she never had a chance to she sings with all her soul and spirit as do I. My uncles were into jazz and the blues they are known all around Seattle's jazz scene.
Back to me I have been blessed to go threw my trial and tribulations at such an early stage. I say blessed because I'm still living right, my family in Africa are not as fortunate. I create music for anyone who has or is homeless, for anyone who feels like the world is on their shoulders. The music I create over beats and breaks I feel uplift many people helping them get threw what ever they are going threw. Thats why I make music, to help this world, to help the people get through the rain. Musically I have been exposed to all genres and respect all of em as wonderful inspired sound. This is me Reco Jackson, son of the product after the crack product.
If you like my music thank you, and since so many asked its RecoTheJackson@gmail.com .
Live In Peace ~Reco Jackson~