Reco Jacksonâ„¢ profile picture

Reco Jacksonâ„¢

About Me

I'm just a kid with a thought a pen and a pad. Sometimes when I get a chance to enter a studio I recite what I wrote down. Born Reco Jackson from Tammy and Steven, grew up no different from most people in the slums. Was raised at the bottom of the lowest class point blank and thats what shaped me to the young man I am today. I've been around music my whole life, my grandfather on my mothers side was a great and passionate Gospel artist may he rest in peace. My fathers side of the family, well have music embedded in there blood line lol all seriousness they do. My grandmother though she never had a chance to she sings with all her soul and spirit as do I. My uncles were into jazz and the blues they are known all around Seattle's jazz scene.
Back to me I have been blessed to go threw my trial and tribulations at such an early stage. I say blessed because I'm still living right, my family in Africa are not as fortunate. I create music for anyone who has or is homeless, for anyone who feels like the world is on their shoulders. The music I create over beats and breaks I feel uplift many people helping them get threw what ever they are going threw. Thats why I make music, to help this world, to help the people get through the rain. Musically I have been exposed to all genres and respect all of em as wonderful inspired sound. This is me Reco Jackson, son of the product after the crack product.
If you like my music thank you, and since so many asked its .
Live In Peace ~Reco Jackson~

My Interests


Member Since: 8/5/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Reco Jackson of course. Jon P, Illaphant, RZ, JRome, J5ATRON, Mentor With B.G. Media. THANK YOU ALL........LETS BRING HIP HOP BACK TO THE PEOPLE!!!
Influences: The World...
Sounds Like: Reco Jackson.
Record Label: B.G. MEDIA.
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Galactus Jack My Alter Ego Is Back!

This is just an mp3 download you can rock cos myspace is being a SOB with the rights of this song. So I figure why not let the people download it FOR FREE and tell me what they like bout it. You know ...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 16:06:00 GMT

Brocken Past

Never beggedNever never sayI'd never sayBut never sayI can make it without my stems walkGotta be a rose to talkVowed not to mockThe ways that they rockedMisguiding the youthBleeding and blinding the t...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:06:00 GMT

Soo The Breakdown On No Outlet.

So many have been wondering and hit me up via cell and email ha ha ha STOP. The group No Outlet has been undergoing a lot of reconstruction for the fact that they are young and being molded into the g...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 21:33:00 GMT

DJ B Girl aka The Lady I Call My Boss Lol.

DJ B-Girl has been a staple in the Seattle music scene since 2001. She is a DJ, breaker, and producer who loves hip hop and electronic music.  She makes everything from hip hop battle beats to ambient...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 21:06:00 GMT

Jay Five A Tron.

I'm J5ATRON, its pronounced "jay-five-a-tron". My real name is Johnny, I'm 22 years old and I've been making beats since I was 16 years old. I'm not a rapper, I'm a musician. I've been making music si...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 20:46:00 GMT

Toni Hill Only Love And Only Amazing

Only Love CD: Toni Hill, Amos Miller, and featuring Soul Plasma. Toni Hill Of :Siren's Echo, Hungry Mob, Oldominion, The Chosen, The Lab, Black Notes, Liv & The Warfield Project, Randy Star & the Flir...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 20:24:00 GMT

Just A Little Update...Oh You Mad Cuz Im Stylin On You LMPAO!

So I'm working on The Minstrel Show Re-Runs it'll be out soon. Its kinda just the pre-process to the Reco Jackson Story Serious. But right now its not about me plain and simple ITS ABOUT MUSIC. So tha...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 20:14:00 GMT

Ready For The Camera

Well since I am kinda learning this whole industry thing ha ha I have alittle performance with other familiar faces in Seattle. Which will bethe first video for Reco TV lmpao, so get ready March 22nd ...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 16:16:00 GMT

Gary's The Man. Thanks LMPAO

Shout to my dude Gary no homo for posting this link before me on his myspace.Well what can I say Crank That Marta Train Solja  Girl Remix LMPAO funny enjoy.Hit my space up with a comment SAYING YOU WA...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 14:58:00 GMT

Now I'll Buy That For A Dollar!!! LMPAO...BLACKIN.

Theres not really much to say about this guy he makes hits. And I likethe fact that he has his pips in the studio just spitting over hisbeats. You know, its f*cking dudes like him that understand thet...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:15:00 GMT