Anthony profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hey hows it goin My names Anthony but everyone calls me An-twon so just whatevers good for you. I like to skate a lot cause skating rocks. I love music and girls even though i dont have much luck with girls i still try to have a conversation with em. My favorite colors are black red and blue. I dont really have a favorite food i just eat whatever's layin around lol. I really like girls that are into the same stuff i am and can be funny but serious at times. I live on the ass of the world which is woodward oklahoma. Theres really not much more i can say about myself just ask if you wanna know more. I am 89% Emo.
.. Holy gee whilikers... I am as emo as it gets... I will try to cheer the heck up and stop wiping my nose on my sweater... Take the
Emo Test
@ FualiDotCom

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Band From First To Last.

My Blog

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